
George Clooney hits back at Donald Trump making him a taunting offer

George Clooney hits back at Donald Trump making him a taunting offer
George Clooney praises Joe Biden for dropping out of presidential race

Actor George Clooney has given Donald Trump a taunting offer throwing the former US President’s words back at him.

Clooney has made no secret of his dislike of Trump, labelling him a “knucklehead” and throwing his public support behind the Democratic party and Kamala Harris in the presidential race.

In July, an angered Trump told Clooney to “get out of politics and go back to television” after he wrote an op-ed in the New York Times in which he suggested Joe Biden drop his re-election campaign.

During an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel’s late-night talk show, Clooney discussed the risks he weighed up in penning the op-ed and the aftermath of it.

He also referenced Trump’s “get out of politics” suggestion, offering the controversial former president a deal: “You know, I will if he does. That’s a tradeoff I’d do.”

Kimmel quipped: “Have you thought about writing an op-ed in the Times asking him to step down?”

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In the interview, Clooney also talked about Biden’s decision to pull out of the presidential race, allowing Harris to take his place.

“It’s very hard to let go of power and President Biden did something really extraordinary. Really extraordinary,” Clooney said. “Honestly, I really do think that that’s what should be focussed on.”

The pair also joked about what might happen if Trump won the November election and tried to use “the power of the federal government against [them] personally”.

Clooney quipped back to Kimmel: “But I’m comforted in the fact that he’s coming after you first.”

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