
Wayne Lineker under fire for raunchy tribute to the Queen

Wayne Lineker under fire for raunchy tribute to the Queen
Sir Elton John shares emotional tribute to Queen Elizabeth II during Toronto ...

Wayne Lineker has been criticised over his tribute to the Queen after she died on September 8.

On Thursday evening, Buckingham Palace announced the death of the 96-year-old monarch who reigned for 70 years, with people from around the world paying tribute.

O Beach Ibiza beach club, co-owned by Wayne Lineker - the brother of footballer Gary Lineker - decided to put on a bizarre tribute for the Queen. It involved a line of women sporting red and black bikinis with tall bearskin helmets to resemble the King's Guard regiment, as they marched in military synchronisation through the busy crowd to get on a stage.

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As the women stood and maintained their stance in line, Lineker was also on stage with beach club co-owner Tony Truman who gave a speech through a microphone.

"Are you all having a great day? We're all having an amazing day today. But, myself and Wayne and other business partners are all British businessmen and we could not let this day go by without speaking about yesterday's events in the UK.

"I think the majority of the crowd here today are from the UK if I'm right, yeah," as the crowd gave a cheer in response.

Truman added: "It doesn't matter if you're British, Irish, Scottish, Italian, Spanish – wherever you are in the world I think you will all appreciate that one of the greatest, iconic women who's ever lived this world left our planet yesterday. Lets hear it for Queen Elizabeth II!"

There were cheers once more, as Truman then pointed up at the giant inflatable red double-decker bus and Mary Poppins balloon hanging up in the air.

"If you look up you'll see the giant red London bus," he said. "You'll see Mary Poppins, you'll see the amazing girls from the stage as Beefeaters [sic] so let's hear it for Queen Elizabeth II," in an incorrect reference to the women's costumes.

The national anthem was then played while the women saluted during the song.

The video was initially posted by Lineker on his Instagram, but it has since been deleted.

But of course, someone managed to save the video before it was removed and shared the clip which quickly went viral on Twitter.

"Sorry, I need to immortalise Wayne Lineker's tribute to the Queen because I will never not want to see it," @ichulgebullets tweeted which has garnered over 33,000 likes.

And the video has led to some hilarious and bemused reactions.

Elsewhere, Lineker's beach club is not the only thing being mocked on Twitter, as people have also been discussing some of the weirdest tributes to the Queen from different brands.

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