
Dad who wears nappies banned from seeing his own children due to fetish

Dad who wears nappies banned from seeing his own children due to fetish
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A man who likes to wear nappies has been banned from seeing his children due to his unusual fetish.

The anonymous man was prevented from seeing his kids by the Family Court of Australia after his ex-wife took legal action after he started wearing nappies around them.

He claims he’s doing nothing wrong and believes he is being discriminated against for his lifestyle choice – he plans to take his case to the High Court.

The man’s former partner was aware of his nappy-wearing fetish but argued that this behaviour intensified to the point that he would wear the garments around the house.

His former wife and mother of their children became concerned that, as the children were growing older, their father’s behaviour could begin to negatively impact them.

The man refused to see a counsellor and the pair decided to end their relationship after having been together since the mid-2000s.

They initially agreed to share parenting duties with the proviso that he would keep his nappy-wearing away from the children.

But, in 2019, she felt compelled to take legal action after he wore a nappy that was partially exposed when he came to pick the children up from her home.

The court ban which was implemented in 2021 was appealed last month but that apparel was rejected.

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While the man plans to go to the High Court, Justice Hilary Hannan of the Australian Family Court said he hasn’t “satisfactorily addressed the issues of risk” to his children.

She said: “I have great reservations and ultimately do not accept that the father has an authentic willingness or ­capacity to disavow engaging in the behaviours in question and in his connections to the community.”

In an email to The Daily Telegraph, the man described Justice Hannam’s decision as “horrendous and unjust”.

He denied his children would be exposed to his fetish and again claimed it is discrimination against his association with the community.

He wrote: “I feel for and have always respected other minority identities who have been persecuted or treated differently just for being who they are.

“What I choose to do in the privacy of my own home without any children present is my business. It is a harmless ­activity and affects no one.”

But, Justice Hannam said she believes if his hobby was discovered, his children would be ridiculed and that would cause psychological harm.

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