
A firefighter used a Grenfell Tower photo on his Tinder profile

A firefighter used a Grenfell Tower photo on his Tinder profile
Government bears some blame for Grenfell fire, UK housing minister says

A firefighter used a selfie taken in front of the burning Grenfell Tower on his Tinder profile, it has been revealed.

The detail was revealed by Nazir Afzal, the former chief crown prosecutor for the North West who carried out an independent culture review of the London Fire Brigade.

The LFB was put into special measures in December after the review found that there was “dangerous levels of ingrained prejudice against women”. The review also found that minority colleagues were “frequently the target of racist abuse”.

Speaking months after the review took place at a London Assembly meeting, Afzal revealed that staff are still giving evidence.

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Discussing one incident, he said: “In the immediate aftermath of Grenfell when the fire has just been raging a male firefighter had a selfie taken of himself outside the building which he then used as his Tinder profile.

72 people died in the blaze in 2017Glyn Kirk/AFP via Getty

“He was quickly told to get rid of it, he was subsequently, I understand, given words of warning. The question you have to ask yourself is how did he feel entitled to do that?”

Afzal added: “Why did he feel entitled to do that? When 72 lives have been lost in the building, including 18 children. And he felt what was more important was how he would look to other women on his social media site.”

A London Fire Brigade spokesperson said: "In 2018, the brigade took disciplinary action against a member of staff who used an entirely inappropriate photograph on a dating profile.

"We understand how devastating this would be for the Grenfell community and apologise sincerely for his behaviour."

The fire at the residential tower block in North Kensington, west London, in June 2017 killed 72 people and triggered a public inquiry.

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