
Political analyst fired from job for calling Trump 'orange face'

Political analyst fired from job for calling Trump 'orange face'
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A political analyst was sacked by a local news network after he roasted Donald Trump by referring to him as "orange face."

Bill Crane ripped into the former US president during a live WSB-TV broadcast on Sunday evening where he referenced Trump's infamous tan and upset viewers in the process.

According to The Atlanta Journal Constitution,Crane said in a statement he overstepped the mark: "I offered that it is part of Democratic Party strategy to keep president Trump’s fantasy of a stolen election in play, as well as to keep his orange face looming large as a Bogeyman to increase Democratic voter turnout, even though Donald Trump is NOT on the ballot anywhere in 2022."

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WSB-TV's vice president and general manager Ray Carter released a statement: "During Sunday evening’s Channel 2 Action News at 6:00, Bill Crane, a frequent guest as an outside third-party political analyst, uttered remarks about former President Donald Trump that are not aligned with our commitment to fair and unbiased reporting and analysis.

"As a result, we’re ending our relationship with Mr. Crane, effective immediately.”

In his apology, Crane also noted that he "could have been more PC [politically correct]."

"Perhaps in my verbiage, I certainly could have been a bit more PC. I would like to think part of the reason I have been able to do this for 22 years in a top 10 media market is that I call the hard balls and strikes on either side, and attempt to do so with a bit of humor, sarcasm, the occasional pun and tongue in cheek."

Though Crane - who worked for the network since 2006 - detailed how in previous broadcasts he called Trump "The Orange Man" but apologised to Trump supporters for the offence caused.

“The Orange Face comment was found to be extremely offensive by some WSB-TV viewers. Calls followed to the switchboard, as well as social media posts, texts and emails,” he added.

"I’m sure that strong supporters of the former president find that offensive," he said.

"And I do apologise for that, as the comment last night and other instances were not meant to offend."

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