
Boris Johnson suffers worse confidence result than Theresa May as 148 MPs rebel

Boris Johnson suffers worse confidence result than Theresa May as 148 MPs rebel
AFP via Getty Images

For those not watching Love Island, the UK prime minister Boris Johnson has survived an attempt by Tory MPs to oust him in a vote of confidence.

Tory MPs voted by 211 to 148 in the secret ballot in Westminster, Conservative 1922 Committee chairman Sir Graham Brady announced.

Announcing the results, Sir Graham Brady said: “Good evening. I can report as returning officer that 359 ballots were cast, no spoilt ballots, that the vote in favour of having confidence in Boris Johnson as leader was 211 votes and a vote against was 148 votes.

“And therefore, I can announce that the parliamentary party does have confidence in Boris Johnson.”

Although despite winning these numbers will not been seen as a positive for the Tory leader, as he has substantially succeeded the 117 votes of no confidence that Theresa May received from her own MPs in December 2018.

All eyes will now be on Johnson and how he reacts to this incident but commentators on Twitter felt that it spelt doom for the prime minister, whose days are numbered.

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Notably, Jacob Rees-Mogg, a supporter of Boris Johnson, in December 2018 following the vote against May, said that the result was 'very bad' for the prime minister.

Additional reporting from PA

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