
Another ‘car crash’ happened at Downing Street on this day three years ago

Another ‘car crash’ happened at Downing Street on this day three years ago
Moment car crashes into Downing Street gates

A man has been arrested after a car crashed into the gates of Downing Street today.

The Met said the man was arrested on suspicion of criminal damage and dangerous driving, but the incident is not being treated as terror related.

The PM Rishi Sunak and the chancellor were in Downing Street at the time of the crash. Sunak has since left for a scheduled visit.

It is all very strange but three years ago something similar happened, if you will allow us to speak figuratively.

Three years ago, the then special adviser to the prime minister Dominic Cummings held a press conference defending himself after he was accused of breaking lockdown rules by travelling to Durham.

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Cummings expressed no regret about the controversial incident, saying: “I do not regret what I did," though conceded “reasonable people may disagree”.

“I don’t think that what I did in these 14 days was a mistake," he said. "I’ve certainly made a lot of other mistakes, I make mistakes every day.”

It didn't go down well with the public or the press and people were quick to use the "car crash" metaphor when discussing it.

And so Larry the Cat (or his account holder) made the quip on social media today following the crash news.

Politics always comes full circle.

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