
Jacob Rees-Mogg takes jab at Sunak by comparing him to Boris Johnson

Jacob Rees-Mogg takes jab at Sunak by comparing him to Boris Johnson
Jacob Rees-Mogg backs DUP's requirements for Northern Ireland Protocol

Jacob Rees-Mogg has hit out at Rishi Sunak by comparing him to Theresa May.

The prime minister is currently sorting out the Northern Ireland protocol with the DUP and Rees-Mogg thinks he's not doing the best job.

On his ConservativeHome podcast, Rees-Mogg said: “There seems to me to be no point in agreeing a deal that does not restore power-sharing.

“That must be the objective. If it doesn’t achieve that objective, I don’t understand why the government is spending political capital on something that won’t ultimately succeed.”

He said the bill had the support of “the person who had a mandate from the British voters” – Boris Johnson – and questioned Sunak’s handling of the situation.

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“I don’t know why so much political capital has been spent on something without getting the DUP and the ERG] onside first,” he said.

He said it was “very similar to what happened with Theresa May” where a policy would be presented in the hope that people would “conveniently fall in behind”.

Rees-Mogg added: “So a story would appear in The Times and Downing Street would say ‘no, this isn’t quite right, it isn’t at all right’.

“Then a week or two would go by and it would turn out to be completely right and they would hope that people would just conveniently fall in behind the announced policy.

“Life doesn’t work like that. It’s important to get support for it first before you finalise the details and that doesn’t seem to have been done here.”


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