
KFC resurrects Tories' Jeremy Corbyn chicken meme to roast Boris Johnson

KFC resurrects Tories' Jeremy Corbyn chicken meme to roast Boris Johnson
Boris Johnson resigns as PM after years of scandal

KFC has hilariously used the Tories' old Jeremy Corbyn chicken meme against them, now that Boris Johnson has resigned.

In September 2019 Johnson called Corbyn a "chlorinated chicken" and a ‘big girl’s blouse’ for not agreeing to his request for a general election.

The Tories clearly found it hilarious as the party took it further by making a meme, tagging KFC and even handing out chicken to lobby journalists to hammer home the bit.

KFC didn't like it, based on their reaction at the time:

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And now after three years they've managed to have the last laugh by calling Johnson a chicken:

It comes after Johnson resigned following his handling of the Chris Pincher scandal which came after months of other scandals including Partygate and the Owen Paterson sleaze scandal.

Johnson said he would remain in post until the party finds someone to take over and praised himself over Brexit, vaccines and more and did not refer to himself as a chicken.

Never a dull moment in politics.

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