
Pete Buttigieg perfectly shuts down election deniers with just 7 words

Pete Buttigieg perfectly shuts down election deniers with just 7 words
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg tours Bush Airport

US Transportation Secretary and former Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg had the perfect seven-word response for election deniers.

On Monday (24), Buttigieg spoke with Stephen Colbert of The Late Show about the unnerving number of Republican candidates who questioned the integrity of the 2020 presidential election between the now President Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

“One of the most important principles in democracy is that when you lose, you accept the outcome,” the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, told Colbert.

“And I’ve had to do that. Winning is much more fun than losing. I’ve done both.”

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Buttigieg added: “And the reason that’s so important is that we expect the same thing from citizens in terms of policy decisions.”

The politician further explained that living in a “democracy” means that we as a society have a process for getting decisions we all live by, whether we agree with or against the decision.

“It’s only fair that the people who make them have to live with the outcome of when we choose which one of them is going to be in charge. That’s how the bargain works,” Buttigieg continued.

In an analysis from FiveThirtyEight, out of the 552 total Republican nominees, they discovered that nearly 200 of those nominees completely denied the outcome of the 2020 election.

The candidates either explicitly said the election was stolen from Trump or took legal steps to overturn the results. This included not voting to certify election results or joining lawsuits that sought to reverse the results.

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