
Eurovision viewers thought Lithuania's singer Monika Linkyté looked like Liz Truss

Eurovision viewers thought Lithuania's singer Monika Linkyté looked like Liz Truss

Related video: Channel 4 News plays Liz Truss montage set to Taylor Swift's "Blank Space"

With Eurovision organisers deciding to block an address from Ukraine’s president Volodymyr Zelensky during Saturday’s grand final, the event has always strived to be “non-political”.

But that hasn’t stopped viewers from thinking Lithuania’s entry this year looks a lot like Conservative politician and former UK prime minister Liz Truss.

The country was represented on stage by Monika Linkyté and the track “Stay” – which makes the comparisons all the more ironic given Ms Truss decided to leave the job of PM after just 44 days in office.

At the end of the contest, Lithuania placed 11th with 127 points, with Sweden’s Loreen becoming the first female singer to win the event twice with her track “Tattoo”.

The UK, meanwhile, finished 25th (so second from last) with just 24 points. We were represented this year by Mae Muller, and the song “I Wrote A Song”.

Even so, Twitter users jokingly thought we might also have had a second chance in the form of Linkyté-Truss:

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Unfortunately though, Ms Truss hasn’t had much luck with music, as she was criticised by the founder of pop group M People for using their track “Moving On Up” to soundtrack her entrance onstage for her speech to Conservative Party Conference in October.

Michael Pickering tweeted: “So apparently we can’t stop Truss walking out to our song, very weird! So sad it got used by this shower of a government.

“BTW Truss, Labour used it with permission in the 90s. I don’t want my song being a soundtrack to lies.”

Lithuania’s entry wasn’t the only supposed ‘lookalike’ to take to the stage either, as Eurovision fans also thought Belgium’s contestant – Gustaph – looked like Boy George given their shared love for wide-brimmed hats.

Meanwhile Norway’s entry got compared to the coronation sword-carrying MP, Penny Mordaunt.

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