
Viral video of Christians singing to an entire plane sparks huge debate

Viral video of Christians singing to an entire plane sparks huge debate
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A group of people performing Christian music on a plane has gone viral and sparked debate online.

Although impromptu music sessions are usually fun, the novelty quickly wears off when you’re 30,000 feet in the air, especially when the music is worshipping a flavour of religion you don’t subscribe to.

A clip of people singing in the aisle, as well as shouting out from their seats, has garnered 30.4 million views since it was posted to Twitter.

According to TMZ, the video was posted by Jack Jensz Jr, who the news site says appears to be a pastor of some sort.

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The site also states that he and his congregation have been assisting Ukrainian refugees in Europe.

Sure enough, we checked Jensz’s and found that he uploaded the clip on April 9th along with the caption: “Worshipping our King Jesus 30,000 feet in the air!”

The clip has sparked debate on Twitter, with the person who reposted it sharing it with the message: “Imagine you get on a plane and you have to listen to this.”

Another person said “this kind of thing just turns people off” when it comes to faith.

Some poked fun at the facial expressions of those who appeared… less enthused:

Others failed to see the problem:

But some pointed out that there may have been a different reaction is those singing were of a different faith including Muslim congresswoman Ilhan Omar who asked "I think my family and I should have a prayer session next time I am on a plane. How do you think it will end?":

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