
Woman receives creepy 'like' on a dating app from her own therapist

Woman receives creepy 'like' on a dating app from her own therapist
Americans Find More Than Love on Dating Apps

An Australian woman's experience on a dating app is going viral after revealing her psychologist 'liked' her and tried to chat her up, then threaten to sue her.

The Byron Bay woman opened up Hinge one day to find a familiar-looking man had tried to match with her, when she opened up his profile she realized quickly it was her psychologist.

The psychologist messaged her first, "Hey 😍 I feel like we've matched before 😅". To which the woman responded. "Aren't you my psych?"

However, after establishing they knew each other in a personal way, the psychologist continued the conversation with, "Ohh- that's why you look familiar - sorry - I deal with lots of clients and it's hard to keep up. How have you been?"

The woman did not respond to her psychologist's advances. As a client of his, she felt vulnerable because the psychologist knew deeply personal information about her, including her address.

Feeling violated and not knowing what to do, the woman turned to a closed woman's Facebook group to seek advice.

An Australian woman revealed her psychologist continued messaging her after they established their professional relationship

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Under the advice of others, the woman reported her psychologist to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency. Many agreed that the psychologist's actions were unethical.

Women have a long history of fighting off men's creepy advances, but the psychologist's actions were crossing the line of unethical.

However, the post was leaked to her psychologist who then threatened to sue her.

The woman shared a message her psychologist sent her in which he threatened to sue her for 'defamation' and could 'expect to be hearing from lawyers'.

The woman said she is "not afraid of whatever legal action he may take because I’ve spoken the truth," in an Instagram post.

The young woman was not expecting her story to go viral but hopes it will inspire other women to find the courage to speak out against men's predatory actions.

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