
Hundreds of sheep in China have been walking in a circle for 12 days straight

Hundreds of sheep in China have been walking in a circle for 12 days straight
Clever shepherd uses drone to herd his sheep in China

Dozens of sheep in China have been walking around a circle for 12 days straight.

The hilarious footage first surfaced on Twitter and has since racked up over 5.5 million views. It shows the sheep walking in a near-perfect circle in northern China’s Inner Mongolia region.

The cause of their bizarre behaviour remains a mystery, although the Chinese state-run outlet People’s Daily reported the sheep are in perfect health.

The sheep owner, Ms Miao, told the Metro it started off with a few sheep before the whole flock joined. Even when gaps emerged, the sheep continued to circle.

According to Mole Care Farm Vets, it is generally associated with spoilt silage.

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Hundred of stunned Twitter users flocked to the clip in hysterics, with one humouring, "If they are restless, they should count people..."

Another jokingly theorised: "I think they’re just having fun."

A third conspired: "Looking for a shepherd, no doubt," while another joked: "They ate some mushrooms in the field."

Meanwhile, earlier this year, more than 2,000 sheep were spotted roaming on the Champs-Élysées in Paris, France, in a parade to mark the end of Salon de l'Agriculture.

The agricultural expo and trade fair began ten days ago and brought together farmers and breeders from around the world.

Fifty artists from the southern Bearn region guided the cattle for the 1km parade, along with cows and donkeys, while traditional dances were performed.

Also in attendance were the Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, and Prime Minister, Jean Caste, who was booed by crowds.

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