
Jimmy Kimmel jokes that Trump starts emails to Melania with 'Dear supporter'

Jimmy Kimmel jokes that Trump starts emails to Melania with 'Dear supporter'
Jimmy Kimmel shows compilation of worst in-flight mask mandate meltdowns
Jimmy Kimmel Live

Jimmy Kimmel had a lot of fun during his latest monologue, beginning by congratulating Melania Trump on her birthday before unleashing a load of jokes at her expense.

The former First Lady turned 52 on Tuesday, and Kimmel spoke about Melania's birthday celebrations and her marriage to Donald Trump on Jimmy Kimmel Live.

“She’s made the same wish for the past 20 years, never comes true,” he began Tuesday’s episode by saying.

“The tears keep extinguishing the candles before she can blow them out.”

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Joking about her husband former President Donald Trump, he added: “I don’t know what kind of gift Trump gave her but he did send her a beautiful email today.

“It started, ‘Dear supporter.’”

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Kimmel wasn’t finished there, either.

“Can you imagine being Melania? Every year they sing happy birthday and then she watches the gibbon she marries wolfing down a whole cake,” he added.

The presenter then went on to discuss Trump’s recent interview with Piers Morgan, which ended with a frosty exchange between the pair.

“Part two of Trump’s contentious interview with Piers Morgan was released today. Piers Morgan has been supportive of Trump in the past.

Kimmel had a special word for Melania on her 52nd birthdayGetty images

“Trump picked him as the winner on Celebrity Apprentice back in 2008, but Trump didn’t like it when Piers told him to his face that he believes he lost a fair election and that he didn’t take the pandemic seriously enough… guess they’re not friends anymore.”

It comes after Kimmel decided to memorialise all the times people had meltdowns over wearing a mask on a plane by handing out fake awards, after the US airline mask mandate came to an end.

On a recent episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live, the host spoke about the end of the mask mandate saying, "it's time to say goodbye to viral videos of Karens and Aarons having anti-mask meltdowns in mid-air."

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