
Paris Hilton and Jimmy Fallon fawning over NFTs resurfaces after report finds they are worthless

Paris Hilton and Jimmy Fallon fawning over NFTs resurfaces after report finds they are worthless

Paris Hilton and Jimmy Fallon compare NFTs

YouTube / The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

The non-fungible token (NFT) craze might be over – but we will always have videos of celebrities endorsing them as reminders of just how unhinged it was.

The latest to have re-emerged is of Paris Hilton and Jimmy Fallon, the US late-night talk show host, and it is quite something.

Fallon’s interview with Hilton is from 2022, just before the crypto bubble burst in spectacular fashion last year.

It starts with Fallon pulling out a picture of a low-quality cartoon ape, saying: “This is your ape!”

"I was going through a lot of them," Hilton said.

"I was like, I want something that, like, kind of reminds me of me. But – this one, it does."

After a short segment of grindingly awkward conversation, Fallon then pulls out another picture of an ape – his own NFT. Turns out he also wanted something that reminded him of himself.

“It reminded me of me a little bit,” he said.

He then put the pictures side by side and said, "They're buddies.”

Journalist Nooruddean Choudry reposted the clip on X/Twitter, saying: “Still, I’m sure everyone involved in this beyond weird advert to make rich people richer at the expense of gullible idiots is proud of their contribution.”

It comes after a report indicated that the NFT market has collapsed and that nearly all NFTs are practically worthless.

The study of 73,257 NFT collections found that 69,795 of which have a market value of zero Ether, a popular cryptocurrency used to buy and sell the tokens.

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