
Spoon-bender Uri Geller says he'll use 'mind power' to stop nuclear war

Spoon-bender Uri Geller says he'll use 'mind power' to stop nuclear war
Psychic Uri Geller claims NASA is lying about recent discoveries on Mars

Illusionist and self-proclaimed psychic Uri Geller has stepped in to help the world avoid the brink of World War 3 in an interesting warning to Russian president Vladimir Putin.

The British-Israeli TV personality, who is known to bend spoons with his mind, took to his Twitter on Tuesday (2 August) to post a video of himself calling out Putin for his nuclear war talk.

"I have a warning for you, Putin," Geller said as the massive screen in the background showed the Kremlin leader and a nuclear mushroom cloud.

The strange video was also swiftly topped moments later when the illusionist posted a letter to Putin that threatened to use "every last molecule of my Mind Power to prevent you from launching a nuclear attack."

He also wanted to encourage people on social media to "take five seconds out of your day to visualise a radiant, energetic force field - like a dazzling, golden shield in the sky."

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Geller claimed that would deflect nuclear warheads that are deployed by the Kremlin, which would turn them back to destroy Russia.

"If you resort to the use of Nuclear Weapons, your plans and your missiles will backfire on you!

"I will use every last molecule of my Mind Power to prevent you from launching a nuclear attack!

"And I am calling on all the wonderful, peace-loving people of the world to join me," he said in the open letter.

Geller's threat to Putin caused many people to comment with incredulous replies, despite the scientific basis of Geller's touchingly human-centred plan.

One person on Twitter wrote: "That's it, Putin may as well down tools now, wars over."

"I have to admit Uri Geller wearing a Scotland top while threatening Putin with MAD. (Mindpower Assured Destruction) if he nukes, Caledonia wasn't one I had on Apocalypse Bingo," another added.

A third quipped: "Uri, what about asking Trump to talk to his best friend Putin to stop it[?]."

Geller - who claims to have a history of undercover work with the Mossad in his native country of Israel and even the CIA - resides in Israel with his wife.

He also owns a small piece of land off the coast of Scotland which he claims is a "keystone of British mythology."

The illusionist gained notoriety in the 1970s with an act based around his supposed psychic powers and telepathy skills.

He is known for his trademark spoon-bending trick and proudly collects culinary implements used by world leaders and celebrities.

Some of those spoons in his arsenal include Napoleon, John F. Kennedy, Elvis Presley, the Dalai Lama and Gandhi.

The performer also noted that he had his first experience encountering an extra-terrestrial being when he was five years old, and not too long after, he discovered he could activate his powers.

Geller has previously called upon readers to massage Andy Murray's hip to help him beat an injury threatening his 2017 Wimbledon bid and urged Brits to send telepathic messages to Theresa May to end Brexit.

Unfortunately, neither was effective.

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