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What we’re about

Asian Fashion in New York:   This is a Meetup for the study and creation of Asian Fashion.  This meetup is for all people interested in Asian fashion and the Asian fashion industry in New York and the world!  Though this group has a large number of Asians, this is not a group which is only for Asians.  All people are able to and encouraged to join and be members.  The only requirement is that the group is dedicated to Asian Fashion.

The group's organizer, Erik, has worked and been an active member in the Asian art and culture community in New York for over 20 years.  Erik has also has over 8 years in the club industry, hosting, and co producing club events, private and public.  Erik has expertise in many aspects of Asian Art, Asian fashion, and Asian society.  Erik hosts multiple private and public Asian dinners every week, and many weekly, monthly, and yearly events.

This Meetup has a regular Asian Fashion Social Meetup, for social networking.  We also host fashion events such as our Asian Fashion in New York Fashion Show.  We are also going to have some side cultural and social events and fashion programs during the year.

"Hi.  My name is Erik.  I am the organizer of Asian Fashion in New York Meetup.  I am a photographer, and an artist.  I am proud to be an advancer of Asian artwork in the city of Manhattan.  Let's join each other on this journey through the world of fashion and art."

Erik - Organizer of the Asian Fashion in NY Meetup


• Art Professionals interested in Asian Fashion

• Asian Artists

• Asian Business Professionals

• Asian DJs

• Asian Fashion Designers

• Asian Makeup Artists

• Asian Models

• Asian Multimedia Artists

• Asian Writers (Fashion, Historical, and Social)

• Makeup Artist interested in Asian Fashion 

• Models interested in Asian fashion

• People Interested in attending fashion events and parties

• People and corporations interested in Sponsoring Fashion shows

• People who love Asian art 

• Photographers


The theme of all of our Fashion shows is Modern Geisha.  There are different artistic subthemes. Subtheme topics that have been suggested include; Angkor Wat, Tokyo by Night, The Hong Kong Blues, Kung Fu Thursdays.  The styles can be of any Asian culture, and do not have to be Japanese, but they need to match the Modern Geisha theme.

Place: We are going to be having all of our Fashion Shows in these locations; Korea Town, Chinatown, and in Midtown, Manhattan.

Join the fashion fun!

We are easy to locate and meet in visible, public places.  We send directions via email to all attending members.