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What we’re about

“The way you get meaning into your life is to devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning." By Mitch Albom This group is for people who want to add meaning and define purpose to their lives by making a difference to others lives whether small or big. Touch others lives and see what difference it makes to your lives, the happiness and contentment you derive is beyond words! Join the group and help in healing the needy by your participation in the fields of health,environment, education,upliftment of poor, culture e.t.c.

What you can do?

Pick up Volunteers - You could be a pick up volunteer for
us for a specified area and collect material like books, clothes, stationery, bags, groceries from those who are willing to donate in that area and drop it at one of the near by collection center.

Collection Center Volunteer - You could provide us with some space to place the collected material for distributing.

Requirement Gatherer : You could identify real genuine causes and keep us posted with requirements.

Associate Organizers: If you are good at planning and organizing, you could org anise events for causes and make them happen successfully.

Trainer/Teacher: We believe skill building the best form of service one could offer to the needy to empower them by educating. And you think you could take 3 -4 hours in a month please do get in touch with us.

Be Present Healer: Not money, clothes, accessories e.t.c, just your mere presence could make a difference to somebody's life. Just be PRESENT for our events.