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What we’re about

Welcome to Passive Income Meetup Group! I have achieved financial freedom through a variety of self-learned passive income strategies across different asset classes, and have shared that journey with many of my friends and families who are also getting sustained passive income now. During this process, I realized that this roadmap to achieve sustainable passive income so people can retire much earlier, is actually really valuable knowledge that many people are looking for but not available because no one is educating and sharing it with the public systemically. I then googled and found that the few people who are "teaching" this only focus on one specific asset class such real estate or stocks/options without providing a fuller picture and more options and very localized; In addition, they charge heavy fees for it AND often times they don't actually do what they teach! So as more and more people reach out to me to hear my journey, I thought this knowledge may deserve a bigger audience so that anyone who's interested in the philosophy of passive income should have access to it from someone who's actually done it (aka me haha!), and thus can provide a more unbiased view and knowledge on each stage of financial freedom, such as how you can start having passive income immediately, how each stage looks like, and what are the future steps and stages with specific execution plans so you can retire much earlier than you think!