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Introduction course: Buzzing Bees

Photo of Christine Davies
Hosted By
Christine D.
Introduction course: Buzzing Bees


Buzzing Bees is an introduction to the fascinating world of bees.

During this in 7,5 hour course, our experienced natural city beekeeping teacher will teach you about the lives of honeybees, solitary bees and other pollinators.

We use imagery, storytelling, and tactile experience of feeling, smelling and tasting pollen wax, honey or propolis to build your connection to pollinators.

You will learn everything there is to know about city bees and natural beekeeping.

We will take a look at the bees’ present situation and their living environments including bee hives and tools we work with.

After the course you will have a complete overview of the world of bees, and be ready to participate in one of our practical natural beekeeping courses in the Spring.

Everyone who wishes to take a practical natural beekeeping course with us must take this introductory course first in order to have a basic theoretical background.

The course will be on 3 Wednesday evenings: October 9th, 16th and 23rd 2024 from 19:00 to 21:30 at Lab111 in Amsterdam.

The total cost for this 7,5 -hour course is 180€. This course is taught in English.

Please go to to register for the course. We will confirm on email once you are enrolled.

Photo of Amsterdam Natural Beekeeping Introduction group
Amsterdam Natural Beekeeping Introduction
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Every week on Wednesday until October 23, 2024

Arie Biemondstraat 111 · Amsterdam
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