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Microsoft U.S. office locations

Microsoft reaches customers at sales offices, support centers and technology centers throughout the country. Use the clickable map or the location links for more information.


'); listItems.push('
', results[i].AddressLine, '
', results[i].Locality, ', '); listItems.push(results[i].AdminDistrict, ', ', results[i].CountryRegion, '
', results[i].PostalCode, '
'); listItems.push('
View directions'); if (itemtype == "store") { listItems.push('
'); } else { listItems.push('
'); } listItems.push(''); } listItems.push(""); if (listItems.length  No results found for this criteria.'); } // Use the array of locations from the results to set the map view to show all locations. if (locs.length > 1) { map.setView({ bounds: Microsoft.Maps.LocationRect.fromLocations(locs), padding: 80 }); } else { map.setView({ center: locs[0], zoom: 15 }); } // Add the list items to the results panel. $('.locator-side-panel').html(listItems.join('')); // Add a click event to the title of each list item. $('.locator-side-panel .list-item-title').each(function () { $(this).click(function () { // Get the ID of the selected location var id = $(this).attr('rel'); //Loop through all the pins in the data layer and find the pushpin for the location. var pin; for (var i = 0; i
"; InfoBoxHTML += ""; InfoBoxHTML += "
" + pin.Metadata.Name + "
"; InfoBoxHTML += "
"; InfoBoxHTML += "
" + pin.Metadata.AddressLine + "
" + pin.Metadata.Locality + ", " + pin.Metadata.AdminDistrict + ", " + pin.Metadata.CountryRegion + " " + pin.Metadata.PostalCode + "
"; InfoBoxHTML += "
" + pin.Metadata.Phone + "
"; InfoBoxHTML += "
View directions
"; if (pin.Metadata.type == "inovation-center") { InfoBoxHTML += ""; } else if (pin.Metadata.type == "store") { InfoBoxHTML += ""; } else { //Corporate Office InfoBoxHTML += ""; } InfoBoxHTML += "
"; infobox.setOptions({ visible: true, htmlContent: InfoBoxHTML, offset: new Microsoft.Maps.Point(-158, 68) }); infobox.setLocation(pin.getLocation()); infobox.setMap(map); map.setView({ center: pin.getLocation() }); window.closeInfoBox = function () { $(".locator-infobox").remove(); } } function LoadMobileView() { if ($(window).width() 0)) { if (!!autosuggest) { result[0].subscribe({ onMatchPatternChanged: function (notification) { (function (pattern) { result[0].updateSuggestions(getCities(notification.pattern, 'key-city-postalcode')); })(notification.pattern) }, onSuggestionSelected: function (notification) { strSelecttedValue = notification.resultselected; $("#search-field").val(strSelecttedValue); $('#search-field').setCurPosition($('#search-field').val().length); $('#state-search').val(""); FilterResults(strSelecttedValue); autosuggest.AutoSuggest.preventDefault(); }, onkeypress: function () { $("div#key-city-postalcode ul.c-menu").attr('aria-hidden', 'true'); } }); } } } } ]); } return { locatorinit: locatorinit }; }); // autosearch field for state field define('mscom.statelocator', ['jqReady!', 'componentFactory', 'autosuggest'], function ($, factory, autosuggest) { function statelocatorinit() { factory.ComponentFactory.create([ { component: autosuggest.AutoSuggest, selector: '#key-state', callback: function (result) { if (result && (result.length > 0)) { if (!!autosuggest) { result[0].subscribe({ onMatchPatternChanged: function (notification) { (function (pattern) { result[0].updateSuggestions(getCities(notification.pattern, 'key-state')); })(notification.pattern) }, onSuggestionSelected: function (notification) { strStateSelecttedValue = notification.resultselected; $("#state-search").val(strStateSelecttedValue); $('#state-search').setCurPosition($('#state-search').val().length); $('#search-field').val(""); FilterResults(strStateSelecttedValue); autosuggest.AutoSuggest.preventDefault(); } }); } } } } ]); } return { statelocatorinit: statelocatorinit }; }); //fn setCurPosition $.fn.setCurPosition = function (pos) { this.focus(); this.each(function (index, elem) { if (elem.setSelectionRange) { elem.setSelectionRange(pos, pos); } else if (elem.createTextRange) { var range = elem.createTextRange(); range.collapse(true); range.moveEnd('character', pos); range.moveStart('character', pos);; } }); return this; }; // startswith work in IE browser by below code if (!String.prototype.startsWith) { String.prototype.startsWith = function (searchString, position) { position = position || 0; return this.indexOf(searchString, position) === position; }; } // includes work in IE browser by below code if (!String.prototype.includes) { String.prototype.includes = function () { 'use strict'; return String.prototype.indexOf.apply(this, arguments) !== -1; }; } // get cities list from that matches with autosearch function getCities(searchString, searchtype) { var filteredCities = []; if (searchtype == "key-city-postalcode") getCitiesList(searchString.toLowerCase()); else getStatesList(searchString.toLowerCase()); if (IsValid(suggestedcities)) { var count = 0; for (var i = 0; i