Revolutionizing SAP and ADP connectivity with Microsoft Azure VWAN and VPN


We’re revolutionizing SAP and ADP connectivity with network solutions in Microsoft Azure.

Microsoft Digital technical storiesConnecting line-of-business solutions into the Microsoft Azure networking environment is a critical part of enabling an efficient hybrid network environment and an important step in transforming enterprise networking using Azure.

We’ve recently helped SAP, one of our key business partners, replace an outdated VPN connectivity solution with a highly secure, cost-efficient connection into Azure for integration with ADP payroll using Azure VWAN and Azure VPN.

As cloud networking has matured, so have the requirements for security and traffic control. SAP’s pre-existing solution for connecting their VPN clients lacked support for critical IKEv2 security and traffic control mechanisms such as AES256 and SHA256 encryption and border gateway protocol (BGP). To support these new requirements, the existing hardware used in SAP’s VPN solution needed to be replaced to be compliant with IKEv2 standards.

Thammineni, Scheffler, and Dobler appear in a composite image.
Chakri Thammineni (left to right), Eric Scheffler, and Christian Dobler are part of a team at Microsoft Digital that created a Microsoft Azure-based VPN connectivity solution for SAP and ADP support.

Our cloud networking engineers at Microsoft Digital (MSD), the company’s IT organization, proposed a different solution: a cloud-first VPN solution using Azure VWAN and Azure VPN.

The cloud-first solution uses Azure VPN policies and tunneling to bypass the requirement for routing hardware in SAP’s environment. It also provides full support for IKEv2 and removes dependency on outdated VPN hardware and controls.

This is the first Azure-based solution using IKEv2 policy-based VPN connectivity for SAP and ADP support. This cutting-edge solution introduces a highly secure and cost-efficient way for business partners to connect with Azure while ensuring strict adherence to regulatory compliance.

The introduction of IKEv2 VPN connectivity allows partners’ systems to securely communicate with Microsoft’s SAP environment in Azure, fostering a seamless integration of services. It sets the stage for unprecedented connectivity, creating a robust ecosystem for business partners to collaborate and exchange data securely.

Azure VWAN provides native IKEv2 VPN connectivity support. By taking advantage of Azure’s powerful networking capabilities, the solution is instantly scalable and highly available. The Azure-native approach streamlines the entire connectivity process by simplifying set up, management, and monitoring.

With IKEv2 VPN and Azure VWAN, all communications between partners’ or providers’ systems and Microsoft’s SAP environment are encrypted and authenticated, safeguarding sensitive information from unauthorized access. As a result, we can provide our partners with peace of mind and uphold the highest standards of data protection.

By eliminating the need for complex hardware and streamlining the set-up process, we enable our internal businesses and partners to achieve significant cost savings. This cost-effectiveness empowers them to invest resources strategically and fuel their growth.

Regulatory compliance is non-negotiable in today’s business landscape. Our VPN connectivity and native network solutions are designed with strict adherence to regulatory requirements in mind. By meeting industry standards and regulatory mandates, we ensure that our business partners can confidently operate within the bounds of compliance, mitigating potential risks and challenges.

The first IKEv2 policy-based VPN connectivity solution for SAP and ADP support through Azure native network solutions represents an entirely new way to approach SAP and ADP connectivity for Microsoft partners. With improved security, better cost efficiency, and support for regulatory compliance adherence, we’re reshaping the standards for business partner connectivity in the cloud. We’re continuing to innovate and explore new approaches to secure and efficient VPN connectivity to support SAP systems.

Key Takeaways

To navigate the integration of your network with Microsoft Azure networking solutions, consider the following:

  • Explore Azure VWAN and VPN. Evaluate your network for potential improvements by considering Azure Virtual WAN and VPN for enhanced security and efficiency.
  • Assess security and compliance. Review your network’s security protocols and compliance standards against Azure’s IKEv2 encryption and regulatory adherence.
  • Initiate a pilot project. Test the impact of Azure VWAN and VPN by launching a small-scale pilot within your network, focusing on performance and cost benefits.

Try it out

Here’s how you can create a peer-to-site VPN connection using Azure Virtual WAN.

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