Find a Telecom Shop

"; html += ""; html += "
"; } else { html += "
Closed now
"; } } else { html += "
Closed now
"; } } else { if (day === 1) { opening = currentDate + " " + markers[i].getAttribute('monday_open'); openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + markers[i].getAttribute('monday_close'); closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp Open now
"; html += ""; html += "
"; } else { html += "
Closed now
"; } } else if (day === 2) { opening = currentDate + " " + markers[i].getAttribute('tuesday_open'); openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + markers[i].getAttribute('tuesday_close'); closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp Open now"; html += ""; html += "
"; } else { html += "
Closed now
"; } } else if (day === 3) { opening = currentDate + " " + markers[i].getAttribute('wednesday_open'); openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + markers[i].getAttribute('wednesday_close'); closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp Open now"; html += ""; html += "
"; } else { html += "
Closed now
"; } } else if (day === 4) { opening = currentDate + " " + markers[i].getAttribute('thursday_open'); openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + markers[i].getAttribute('thursday_close'); closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp Open now"; html += ""; html += "
"; } else { html += "
Closed now
"; } } else if (day === 5) { opening = currentDate + " " + markers[i].getAttribute('friday_open'); openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + markers[i].getAttribute('friday_close'); closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp Open now"; html += ""; html += "
"; } else { html += "
Closed now
"; } } else if (day === 6) { opening = currentDate + " " + markers[i].getAttribute('saturday_open'); openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + markers[i].getAttribute('saturday_close'); closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp Open now"; html += ""; html += "
"; } else { html += "
Closed now
"; } } else if (day === 7) { var sundayOpen = ""; var sundayClose = ""; if (markers[i].getAttribute('sunday_open') === "00:00") { sundayOpen = "Closed"; sunday_close = ""; } else { sundayOpen = markers[i].getAttribute('sunday_open'); sundayClose = markers[i].getAttribute('sunday_close'); } opening = currentDate + " " + sundayOpen; openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + sundayClose; closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp Open now"; html += ""; html += "
"; } else { html += "
Closed now
"; } } else { html += "
Closed now
"; } } else { html += "
Closed now
"; } } html += ""; var point = new google.maps.LatLng( parseFloat(markers[i].getAttribute("latitude")), parseFloat(markers[i].getAttribute("longitude"))); const image = document.createElement("img"); image.src = "./assets/img/google_marker-t.png"; var marker = new AdvancedMarkerElement({ map, position: point, content: image, title:'Telecom shop' }); bindInfoWindow(marker, map, infoWindow, html); } }); } async function loadData() { const {AdvancedMarkerElement} = await google.maps.importLibrary("marker"); var isPublicHoliday = ""; const currentTime = new Date(); const currentTimestamp = currentTime.getTime(); const currentDate = currentTime.toDateString(); const day = currentTime.getDay(); var opening = ""; var closing = ""; var openingTimestamp = 0; var closingTimestamp = 0; var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), { center: new google.maps.LatLng(-20.25, 57.56), zoom: 10, mapTypeId: 'roadmap', mapId: "DEMO_MAP_ID" }); var infoWindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow; var shopDetails = new Map(); var markersList = []; downloadUrl("phpsqlajax_genxml.php", function(data) { var xml = data.responseXML; var markers = xml.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("marker"); for (var i = 0; i "; html += ""+name+""; html += ""; html += address; html += ""; html += ""; if (isPublicHoliday == 1){ opening = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(name).get('publicholiday_open'); openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(name).get('publicholiday_close'); closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp Open now"; html += ""; html += "
"; } else { html += "
Closed now
"; } } else { if (day === 1) { opening = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(name).get('monday_open'); openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(name).get('monday_close'); closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp Open now"; html += ""; html += "
"; } else { html += "
Closed now
"; } } else if (day === 2) { opening = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(name).get('tuesday_open'); openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(name).get('tuesday_close'); closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp Open now"; html += ""; html += "
"; } else { html += "
Closed now
"; } } else if (day === 3) { opening = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(name).get('wednesday_open'); openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(name).get('wednesday_close'); closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp Open now"; html += ""; html += "
"; } else { html += "
Closed now
"; } } else if (day === 4) { opening = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(name).get('thursday_open'); openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(name).get('thursday_close'); closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp Open now"; html += ""; html += "
"; } else { html += "
Closed now
"; } } else if (day === 5) { opening = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(name).get('friday_open'); openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(name).get('friday_close'); closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp Open now"; html += ""; html += "
"; } else { html += "
Closed now
"; } } else if (day === 6) { opening = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(name).get('saturday_open'); openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(name).get('saturday_close'); closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp Open now"; html += ""; html += "
"; } else { html += "
Closed now
"; } } else if (day === 7) { opening = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(name).get('sunday_open'); openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(name).get('sunday_close'); closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp Open now"; html += ""; html += "
"; } else { html += "
Closed now
"; } } else { html += "
Closed now
"; } } html += ""; var point = new google.maps.LatLng( parseFloat(markers[i].getAttribute("latitude")), parseFloat(markers[i].getAttribute("longitude"))); markersList.push(point); const image = document.createElement("img"); image.src = "./assets/img/google_marker-t.png"; var marker = new AdvancedMarkerElement({ map, position: point, content: image, title:'Telecom shop' }); bindInfoWindow(marker, map, infoWindow, html); } // Get the keys of the map. const keys = shopDetails.keys(); const accordion = document.querySelector('.accordion'); const openClose = document.querySelector('.openClose'); // Iterate through the keys and add them to the list. for (const key of keys) { var lat = shopDetails.get(key).get('latitude'); var lon = shopDetails.get(key).get('longitude'); const button = document.createElement('button'); button.classList.add('accTitle'); if (isPublicHoliday == 1){ opening = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('publicholiday_open'); openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('publicholiday_close'); closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp "+key+"
Open now
"; } else { button.innerHTML = "
Closed now
"; } } else { if (day === 1) { opening = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('monday_open'); openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('monday_close'); closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp "+key+"
Open now
"; } else { button.innerHTML = "
Closed now
"; } } else if (day === 2) { opening = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('tuesday_open'); openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('tuesday_close'); closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp "+key+"
Open now
"; } else { button.innerHTML = "
Closed now
"; } } else if (day === 3) { opening = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('wednesday_open'); openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('wednesday_close'); closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp "+key+"
Open now
"; } else { button.innerHTML = "
Closed now
"; } } else if (day === 4) { opening = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('thursday_open'); openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('thursday_close'); closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp "+key+"
Open now
"; } else { button.innerHTML = "
Closed now
"; } } else if (day === 5) { opening = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('friday_open'); openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('friday_close'); closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp "+key+"
Open now
"; } else { button.innerHTML = "
Closed now
"; } } else if (day === 6) { opening = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('saturday_open'); openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('saturday_close'); closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp "+key+"
Open now
"; } else { button.innerHTML = "
Closed now
"; } } else if (day === 7) { opening = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('sunday_open'); openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('sunday_close'); closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp "+key+"
Open now
"; } else { button.innerHTML = "
Closed now
"; } } else { button.innerHTML = "
Closed now
" } } const plus = document.createElement('div'); plus.classList.add('plus'); plus.textContent = "+"; const content = document.createElement('div'); content.classList.add('accContent'); content.setAttribute('id', shopDetails.get(key).get('id')); var bill_text=""; if (shopDetails.get(key).get('bill_payment') == 1){ bill_text = "
Bill payment will be accepted until 16 00 hours from Monday to Saturday.
No Bill payment on Sundays and Public Holidays."; } else if (shopDetails.get(key).get('bill_payment') == 2) { bill_text = "
No Bill payment activity."; } else { bill_text = ""; } if (shopDetails.get(key).get('sunday_open') == "Closed" && shopDetails.get(key).get('publicholiday_open') == "Closed") { content.innerHTML = "

Opening hours
Monday"+shopDetails.get(key).get('monday_open')+" - "+shopDetails.get(key).get('monday_close')+"
Tuesday:"+shopDetails.get(key).get('tuesday_open')+" - "+shopDetails.get(key).get('tuesday_close')+"
Wednesday:"+shopDetails.get(key).get('wednesday_open')+" - "+shopDetails.get(key).get('wednesday_close')+"
Thursday:"+shopDetails.get(key).get('thursday_open')+" - "+shopDetails.get(key).get('thursday_close')+"
Friday:"+shopDetails.get(key).get('friday_open')+" - "+shopDetails.get(key).get('friday_close')+"
Saturday:"+shopDetails.get(key).get('saturday_open')+" - "+shopDetails.get(key).get('saturday_close')+"
Public holiday:"+shopDetails.get(key).get('publicholiday_open')+"

"; } else if (shopDetails.get(key).get('publicholiday_open') == "Closed") { content.innerHTML = "

Opening hours
Monday"+shopDetails.get(key).get('monday_open')+" - "+shopDetails.get(key).get('monday_close')+"
Tuesday:"+shopDetails.get(key).get('tuesday_open')+" - "+shopDetails.get(key).get('tuesday_close')+"
Wednesday:"+shopDetails.get(key).get('wednesday_open')+" - "+shopDetails.get(key).get('wednesday_close')+"
Thursday:"+shopDetails.get(key).get('thursday_open')+" - "+shopDetails.get(key).get('thursday_close')+"
Friday:"+shopDetails.get(key).get('friday_open')+" - "+shopDetails.get(key).get('friday_close')+"
Saturday:"+shopDetails.get(key).get('saturday_open')+" - "+shopDetails.get(key).get('saturday_close')+"
Sunday:"+shopDetails.get(key).get('sunday_open')+" - "+shopDetails.get(key).get('sunday_close')+"
Public holiday:"+shopDetails.get(key).get('publicholiday_open')+"

"; } else { content.innerHTML = "

Opening hours
Monday"+shopDetails.get(key).get('monday_open')+" - "+shopDetails.get(key).get('monday_close')+"
Tuesday:"+shopDetails.get(key).get('tuesday_open')+" - "+shopDetails.get(key).get('tuesday_close')+"
Wednesday:"+shopDetails.get(key).get('wednesday_open')+" - "+shopDetails.get(key).get('wednesday_close')+"
Thursday:"+shopDetails.get(key).get('thursday_open')+" - "+shopDetails.get(key).get('thursday_close')+"
Friday:"+shopDetails.get(key).get('friday_open')+" - "+shopDetails.get(key).get('friday_close')+"
Saturday:"+shopDetails.get(key).get('saturday_open')+" - "+shopDetails.get(key).get('saturday_close')+"
Sunday:"+shopDetails.get(key).get('sunday_open')+" - "+shopDetails.get(key).get('sunday_close')+"
Public holiday:"+shopDetails.get(key).get('publicholiday_open')+" - "+shopDetails.get(key).get('publicholiday_close')+"

"; } = "none"; button.addEventListener('click', () => { if ( === "none") { = "block"; button.classList.add('active'); map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map"), { center: new google.maps.LatLng(shopDetails.get(key).get('latitude'), shopDetails.get(key).get('longitude')), zoom: 15, mapTypeId: 'roadmap', mapId: "DEMO_MAP_ID" }); var pointer = new google.maps.LatLng( shopDetails.get(key).get('latitude'), shopDetails.get(key).get('longitude')); const image = document.createElement("img"); image.src = "./assets/img/google_marker-t.png"; marker = new AdvancedMarkerElement({ map, position: pointer, content: image, title:'Telecom shop' }); var html = "
"; html += ""+key+""; html += ""; html += shopDetails.get(key).get('address'); html += ""; html += ""; if (isPublicHoliday == 1){ opening = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('publicholiday_open'); openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('publicholiday_close'); closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp Open now
"; html += ""; html += "
"; } else { html += "
Closed now
"; } } else { if (day === 1) { opening = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('monday_open'); openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('monday_close'); closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp Open now"; html += ""; html += "
"; } else { html += "
Closed now
"; } } else if (day === 2) { opening = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('tuesday_open'); openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('tuesday_close'); closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp Open now"; html += ""; html += "
"; } else { html += "
Closed now
"; } } else if (day === 3) { opening = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('wednesday_open'); openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('wednesday_close'); closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp Open now"; html += ""; html += "
"; } else { html += "
Closed now
"; } } else if (day === 4) { opening = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('thursday_open'); openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('thursday_close'); closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp Open now"; html += ""; html += "
"; } else { html += "
Closed now
"; } } else if (day === 5) { opening = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('friday_open'); openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('friday_close'); closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp Open now"; html += ""; html += "
"; } else { html += "
Closed now
"; } } else if (day === 6) { opening = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('saturday_open'); openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('saturday_close'); closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp Open now"; html += ""; html += "
"; } else { html += "
Closed now
"; } } else if (day === 7) { opening = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('sunday_open'); openingTimestamp = new Date(opening).getTime(); closing = currentDate + " " + shopDetails.get(key).get('sunday_close'); closingTimestamp = new Date(closing).getTime(); if (currentTimestamp >= openingTimestamp && currentTimestamp Open now"; html += ""; html += "
"; } else { html += "
Closed now
"; } } else { html += "
Closed now
"; } } html += ""; bindInfoWindow(marker, map, infoWindow, html); plus.textContent = '-'; } else { = "none"; button.classList.remove('active'); loadFullMap(); plus.textContent = '+'; } }); button.appendChild(plus); accordion.appendChild(button); accordion.appendChild(content); } }); const searchBar = document.getElementById("searchBar1"); const cross = document.getElementById("cross"); cross.innerHTML = "X"; = "inline-block"; searchBar.addEventListener("keyup", (event) => { const value =; const accordionItems = document.querySelectorAll(".accTitle"); const accordionContents = document.querySelectorAll(".accContent"); for (const accordionItem of accordionItems) { if (!accordionItem.textContent.toLowerCase().includes(value.toLowerCase())) { = "none"; } else { = "block"; } cross.addEventListener("click", () => { searchBar.value = ""; = "block"; }); } }); if ((window.innerWidth - document.documentElement.clientWidth) > -1) { document.body.classList.add('withScrollbar'); } }

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