Learning Centre

Like artificial intelligence, human beings progress through learning. Digital technology, the cloud and the internet in general are vast, fascinating subjects. This is why we dedicate this Glossary Directory to those who wish to discover, learn about or get started with current and future technologies. Develop new skills in areas such as cloud computing, IT security and big data using digital solutions.

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Application integration and modernisation

What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly linked to the digital technologies we use every day, and has consistently improved their effectiveness. AI assimilates a lot of information with the data it receives. It then analyses this data to deliver the best possible action.

What is an API?

An application programming interface (API) is a software interface that enables multiple applications and services to exchange data. The API can also be used to launch access requests from one application to another, so different services can be connected to each other.

What is a REST API?

A REST API is a set of architectural rules for implementing web services. This type of API is often used as it increases simplicity, scalability, performance and reliability.

What is Application Modernization?

Many businesses are reliant on legacy applications, leaving them unable to leverage cloud computings huge potential. By modernising existing software using a cloud-first approach, enterprise can improve performance and scalability while opening up new opportunities for growth, productivity and ways of working.

What is Business Continuity ?

If an enterprise operations are disrupted by disaster, the right business continuity strategy ensures there are processes in place for the company to continue operating effectively. Crucially, business continuity gives the organisation time and breathing space to address the source of interruption.

What is quantum machine learning?

Quantum machine learning is a fusion of machine learning and quantum computing, which uses quantum computers to analyse complex data and solve problems at unprecedented speeds, opening up new perspectives in fields such as the pharmaceutical industry, finance, and technology.

What Is Generative AI?

Generative AI, a branch of AI focusing on content creation, uses neural networks to generate new output from prompts. It learns from vast data to produce text, images, and more, mimicking human creativity. Businesses use it for marketing, customer support, and analytics, enhancing productivity and decision-making.

What is SDLC ?

The SDLC (Software Development Lifecycle) is a methodology used to develop software applications. It enables developers to build and deploy high-quality software that meets customer expectations, whilst also being delivered on time and within budget.

What is XML?

Extensible Markup Language (XML) uses tags to tell how the text in a data file should be structured, stored and transported. Designed to be readable by both humans and machines, XML is a powerful, highly customisable tagging tool ideally suited for the data-driven era.

What is CI/CD?

CI/CD, or continuous integration and continuous deployment, is a software development practice that automates the processes of developing, testing, and deploying applications. It aims to quickly detect errors, ensure regular and reliable code delivery, and accelerate the development cycle.

What is a web application?

A web application is software that is accessed and run through a website via the user’s browser. Businesses use web apps to deliver a wide range of in-browser features to customers, so there’s zero need for software downloads and installations.

What is prompt engineering?

AI prompt engineering combines art and science, guiding language models to produce the best outcomes. It's akin to choosing words carefully to instruct a brilliant yet literal-minded friend. Prompt engineers apply their AI understanding and creativity to craft queries for generating text, translating languages, and more, ensuring informative and inventive responses.

What is SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture)?

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a type of software design that makes services reusable and interoperable using service interfaces. SOA enables businesses to leverage services that can be combined and reconfigured rapidly to meet changing requirements.

What is Microservices Architecture?

Microservices architecture is a software design approach that structures applications as a collection of small, independent services. Each service focuses on a specific function, communicating through APIs. This approach offers increased flexibility, scalability, resilience, and faster development cycles compared to traditional monolithic architectures.

Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners

This comprehensive guide demystifies neural networks. Learn about their brain-inspired design, components like neurons and layers, and training methods involving forward and backpropagation. Explore diverse architectures and their applications in image recognition, language processing, forecasting, and more. Discover how to train these powerful tools and their impact across industries.

What is SAP?

SAP is a leading provider of enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, offering integrated solutions for finance, logistics, HR, CRM, and more. Its evolution from SAP R/1 to SAP S/4HANA reflects its commitment to innovation and adapting to changing business needs.

Big data

What is machine learning?

Machine learning is a form of automatic training that aims to improve the machine’s analytical capabilities, based on a high volume of data. For example, it enables companies to target their customers better using different techniques.

What is big data?

With the development of internet usage, the volume of data generated is exponential. Big data enables companies to collect, store, quantify and analyse massive volumes of data in all its forms.

What is data mining?

Data mining refers to the collection, analysis and comparison of data from different and often unconnected sources. The data extracted can be used for many purposes, like improving efficiency and predicting behaviour, for example.

What is Deep Learning?

Deep learning is a machine learning method through which the machine is able to learn and improve on its own. This technique is based on artificial neurones, image recognition technologies and language recognition.

What is blockchain?

Blockchain is a decentralised ledger system that creates a secure and immutable record of transactions. Data is stored on a distributed network of computers called nodes, which are linked together in a chain and secured using cryptography.

What is Web3?

By combining blockchain tech and peer-to-peer networking, Web3 allows you to wrestle the ownership of your data out of the hands of big tech and put it back into your own. This drives up privacy and security rates massively, all while reestablishing much-needed trust and independence in the online space.

What is data lakehouse?

A data lakehouse is an architectural approach combining features of data lakes and data warehouses. It supports both unstructured and structured data, offering vast storage (like a lake) and structured querying capabilities (like a warehouse). This architecture enables advanced analytics, AI, and ML, efficiently handling diverse data types at scale.

Deep learning vs Machine learning

Machine learning, a subset of artificial intelligence, has an enormous impact on our everyday lives and tasks, and its role is increasing as the enterprise network becomes more sophisticated. Machine learning is defined as the process of a computer solving problems using algorithms.

What is Kafka?

Apache Kafka is an open-source streaming platform that facilitates real-time data transfer between different systems and applications. Built to be highly scalable and distributed, this event-streaming platform allows businesses to process, store, and transmit data streams efficiently. Kafka is commonly used for real-time analytics, data integration, and event-driven architectures.

What is a Data Warehouse?

Data Warehousing acts as a hub, integrating data from various sources into a single repository for analysis. It enables organisations to perform complex queries, uncover trends, and gain insights into operations, driving strategic decision-making through advanced analytics.

What is ETL (Extract, Transform, Load)?

ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) is a critical process in data integration, consolidating diverse data sources into a unified, high-quality dataset for analysis and decision-making. It's essential for modern business intelligence (BI) initiatives, enabling organizations to gain valuable insights, improve operational efficiency, and make informed strategic decisions.

What is reinforcement learning?

Reinforcement learning (RL) is a machine learning technique where agents learn to make decisions by interacting with an environment, receiving rewards for positive actions. This trial-and-error approach allows RL agents to optimize their behaviour over time, leading to impressive achievements in robotics, game playing, healthcare, and finance.

What is data analytics?

Data analytics is the process of transforming raw data into actionable knowledge. It involves collecting, cleaning, and analysing data to find patterns, correlations, and hidden trends. Data analytics is vital for businesses as it drives informed decision-making, optimises operations, identifies market trends, and manages risks.

Cloud computing

What is Public Cloud?

Explore our cloud computing solution, which provides on-demand resources. The Public Cloud is adapted to suit all projects, and offers a number of tools for containerisation, network, data analysis, and much more.

What is load balancing?

Load balancing is one of the essential technologies to improve service availability. This intelligent load distribution between servers or applications enables the user to leverage the infrastructure’s full potential.

Cloud computing: definition, advantages and products

Cloud computing is a technology that delivers computing resources (such as servers, data storage and networking) over the internet. Usually provided on a pay-as-you-go model, cloud computing offers a scalable and cost-effective alternative to on-premises infrastructure.

What is hybrid cloud?

Hybrid cloud is an infrastructure that combines the use of public, private and dedicated cloud servers. Solutions are connected to communicate and manage applications and workloads securely, and with optimal performance.

What is edge computing?

Edge computing is a network architecture where data is processed very close to where it is generated and often far away from the core of the network. Since the processing is performed at the edge, latency is reduced as a result. This is a commonly used method for real-time workload processing.

What is cloud hosting?

Learn about cloud hosting and how it transforms data storage and website hosting for your business.

What is quantum computing?

Quantum computing has the potential to change the game while revolutionising the computing landscape. While quantum computing can quickly solve complex problems that conventional computing cannot effectively handle, quantum computing is far from meeting expectations and many challenges remain.

What is private cloud?

A private cloud provides dedicated IT resources to a single user, delivering high levels of resource control, customisation, and increased security and compliance for an organisation’s data. It offers users the key benefits of the cloud, including scalability, elasticity and automation.

What is a cloud server?

A cloud server is a computer accessible via the internet that responds to user requests and provides them with services such as websites, applications and platforms. It is managed by a user interface and maintained by a cloud service provider.

Cloud Migration

What is migration to the cloud and what are the benefits? Discover the 6 key strategies for a successful digital transformation with OVHcloud!

What is XaaS?

Anything as a Service (XaaS) enables enterprise to leverage a wide range of cloud computing tools and tech via a pay-as-you-go model, removing the need to install software or hardware or be responsible for its maintenance. This enables organisations to access next gen functionality almost overnight with zero friction.

What is Object Storage?

Object storage takes huge volumes of unstructured data and turns each data point into a distinct unit – an object – with its own metadata and unique identifier. These objects are stored in a data environment, making it easier to access, retrieve and manage each and every individual object.

What is Rancher?

Containerisation has revolutionised how applications are developed and managed, offering a more flexible, portable and efficient way of managing them across various environments and infrastructure.

What is Cloud Native ?

Cloud native lets business construct, deploy and maintain applications in the cloud within a flexible architecture. Crucially, these apps allow enterprise to leverage the many advantages offered by cloud-based services including the flexibility, scalability and resilience needed to remain competitive in tough market conditions.

What is Data Storage?

Data storage ensures the safekeeping and accessibility of information using specialised technology. It involves on-premise storage with physical servers in a company's facility, and cloud storage, which utilises remote servers for scalable, accessible data management.

What is container management?

Container management (Conte refers to a set of practices that govern and maintain containerization software.

Types of cloud computing

Cloud computing is a technology that provides access to a network of remote servers collectively called “the Cloud”. This means you can access and store your data, run programs, and use a variety of services from anywhere in the world, making your digital tasks more flexible and convenient.

What is Lift and Shift?

Lift and shift sees enterprise migrating on-prem apps or workloads – and any related data – into the cloud without needing to redesign the solution. This enables a company to begin modernising its processes and workflows at speed as well as benefit from improved performance and reduced costs.

What is Grid Computing ?

Grid computing is a powerful distributed computing model, connecting multiple computers to process large-scale tasks. It's integral to fields like science and finance, solving grand challenges through parallel processing. This technology is characterized by its use of diverse computers that are geographically dispersed, and co-ordinated through sophisticated middleware.

What are the advantages of cloud computing?

The main benefits of cloud computing for businesses are on-demand access to a wide range of IT services, provider-managed infrastructure maintenance, and the ability to develop private or hybrid clouds to suit their security and flexibility needs.

What is block storage?

Block storage is a type of storage solution that stores data in equal-sized blocks, either on hard drives or in the cloud. This enables faster access to data compared to other storage methods, with the ability to increase capacity by adding more disks as and when you need them.

What are cloud containers ?

Cloud containers are lightweight, executable packages encapsulating everything needed to run software, including code, runtime, and system tools. Cloud containers offer a portable solution that ensures consistency across diverse environments from personal devices to public clouds. Through OS virtualization, containers isolate applications, providing each with dedicated resources.

What is a virtual machine?

A virtual machine (VM) is a computing resource that uses software rather than a physical computer to run programs and deploy applications, providing increased flexibility and efficiency in managing computing resources.

What is a virtual private cloud?

A virtual private cloud (VPC) is a service delivery model where a company is using an isolated section of a public cloud infrastructure. This allows for control and customization of the environment, ensuring data confidentiality and flexible management of IT resources.

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that facilitates the deployment, scaling, and management of containerised applications in distributed environments. It automates deployment, resource management, and high availability tasks, providing a robust infrastructure for modern applications.

What is Infrastructure as Code?

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) is a modern approach to managing computing infrastructure using code. It automates setup, configuration, and management, enabling faster, more reliable deployments. IaC increases speed and efficiency, enhances consistency and reliability, and promotes scalability and flexibility.

What is cloud storage?

Cloud storage is like a secure, online warehouse for your digital files. It replaces physical hard drives and servers, allowing access from anywhere with internet access. Benefits include easy collaboration, automatic backups, and scalable storage to fit your needs.

What is Cloud SDN?

Cloud SDN (Software-Defined Networking) is a technology that manages network services through software, enhancing flexibility and scalability in cloud environments. It centralises control, optimises resource allocation, and simplifies network configuration and management, making it ideal for dynamic, virtualised cloud computing scenarios.

Connected objects

What is the Internet of Things?

The Internet of Things (IoT) represents all the devices or machines that form a network of internet-connected physical objects to transfer, collect and exchange data.

What is Automation?

Automation is a term for technological applications in which the human role is reduced. Automation enables users to make simple, repetitive tasks automatic, and also automate processes that increase a company’s efficiency.

What is Computer Vision?

Computer vision is a field of AI that enables machines to interpret visual information like humans. It has diverse applications, from medical imaging and self-driving cars to manufacturing and augmented reality. Learning resources like OpenCV, TensorFlow, and online courses can help you get started.



PostgreSQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) developed by Michael Stonebraker. It is regularly enhanced by a number of experts, and can handle all types of databases — including the most complex ones.

What is a relational database?

A relational database is a structure using SQL that provides access to data points, and in which information is linked through tables.

What is Cloud Databases?

A cloud database is a database management system (DBMS) hosted on a cloud computing platform, be it a public, private, or hybrid cloud. Cloud databases share similar design and functionality with the on-premises databases traditionally found in an organization's data centre.

The primary distinction between on-premise and cloud databases lies in the deployment and management approach, but to end users and applications, cloud databases are indistinguishable from on-premises databases.

What is data backup?

Data backup refers to the process of creating duplicate copies of digital data or files to safeguard against data loss if the originals are lost due to malicious action, accidents or disaster. The right backup processes will enable the enterprise to restore data quickly, causing minimal business disruption.

What is mongodb ?

MongoDB is a source-available, cross-platform NoSQL database with optional schemas. It excels in storing large data sets, supporting various programming languages and features like ad hoc queries, indexing, and replication. Ideal for big data, web applications, and real-time analytics, MongoDB offers scalability, high performance, and a developer-friendly environment.

What is a Database Server ?

Any organisation typically holds a huge amount of data that must be effectively managed whether you’re saving, storing, retrieving or updating it. By introducing a data server, you get access to the back-end infrastructure and client-facing services you need to manage all your data efficiently via a single centralised ‘hub’.

What is a Large Language Model (LLM)?

A Large Language Model (LLM) is an advanced artificial intelligence system, specialised in natural language processing, capable of understanding, generating and interacting with human text by learning through vast textual data sets.

What is NoSQL?

Learn about the unique characteristics of NoSQL databases, why they are so critical to information management today, and why they represent such an important development.

What is SQL ?

SQL is a powerful language designed for interacting with relational databases. Essential for both data analysis and supporting backend systems, it allows users to perform a range of tasks from basic data management to complex queries. With its wide adoption and ongoing evolution, SQL remains a fundamental skill in data-driven fields.

What is a Database Query ?

A database query allows you to ask a specific data-related question based on a pre-defined code. This is sent to a database management system (DBMS) with the system sourcing an answer direct from the database before retrieving and presenting it.

What is a non-relational database?

A non-relational database stores data in a flexible, unstructured way, unlike relational databases. It is suitable for non-homogeneous and scalable data, such as semi-structured or unstructured data, offering superior flexibility for data storage and retrieval.

What is DBMS ?

A Database Management System (DBMS) is software that manages data within a database, offering features like data storage, retrieval, and manipulation. It bridges users with the database, ensuring data integrity, security, and accessibility, and handles vast data sets systematically.

What is File Storage?

Designed to be user-friendly, file storage saves, organises and manages data in a hierarchical structure – from files into folders and in turn, from folders into directories and subdirectories. This structure can be stored either on-prem or in the cloud via file storage hosting.

What is Data Processing?

Data is perhaps the greatest single asset a business owns. It’s why processing data is so crucial to the continuing success and growth of any organisation.

What is Data Lifecycle Management?

From creation and storage to sharing and deletion, data lifecycle management (DLM) offers a framework for managing data effectively through out its life. Dedicated products automate each stage required by a DLM framework, helping business keep data secure, accurate and available 365 days a year.

Relational Vs Non relational database

Explore the world of databases with our concise guide. Learn when to use relational databases for structured data integrity and non-relational databases for flexibility in handling big data. Perfect for developers and IT managers.


SQL databases are relational and use SQL to manage data. NoSQL databases are non-relational and store data in flexible schemas. SQL is ideal for complex queries, while NoSQL offers more scalability for big data applications.

What is a qubit?

At the heart of quantum computing lies the qubit, a marvel capable of existing in a superposed state of 0 and 1. This unique characteristic empowers quantum computers to simultaneously explore vast computational possibilities, from cryptography to material science.

What is MLOps

MLOps, or Machine Learning Operations, revolutionises the deployment and maintenance of ML models by merging DevOps principles with the machine learning lifecycle. It encompasses training, testing, deploying, and monitoring, aiming to automate these processes for improved reliability and efficiency.

What is MySQL?

MySQL is a popular open-source relational database management system that uses SQL (Structured Query Language) for managing, manipulating, and retrieving data. Known for its speed, reliability, and ease of use, MySQL supports various applications, from web development to big data projects, making it a versatile choice for developers and businesses.

Domains & Web Hosting

What is a domain name?

Looking to create a website? Before it goes live, many elements need to be put in place first, including registering a domain name. But what does this involve?

What is web hosting?

A web hosting plan allows individuals or companies to store web data and publish websites online. More often than not, it’s a flexible service, offered by a hosting provider that offers a range of hosting options to companies of all sizes.

What is a bot?

A bot is a software application that can be programmed to conduct many different tasks. They are fast and automated and are ideal for carrying out jobs that are repetitive, meaning bots are quicker at busywork than a human whose skills could be deployed elsewhere.

What is a TLD?

A top level domain (.TLD) is the last segment after the final full stop in a URL address, for example, .com or .org. A TLD is used to classify a website whether it’s commercial, charity, location-based or another specific variant.

What is ccTLD?

A country code top-level domain (ccTLD) enables organisations to ‘label’ website addresses with a country-specific two-character identifier code such as, for example, .ca for Canada or .asia for Asia. This helps search engine rankings within specific locales while promoting a positive brand image to the locale’s citizens.

What is a gTLD?

Standing for generic top-level domain, a gTLD is the last segment of a URL address after the full stop. Using popular extensions such as .com, gTLD can be deployed to promote general types of websites, services or products – and, unlike ccTLDs, are not associated with any specific country or locale.

What is a web application?

A web application is software that is accessed and run through a website via the user’s browser. Businesses use web apps to deliver a wide range of in-browser features to customers, so there’s zero need for software downloads and installations.

What is cybersquatting?

With more and more websites coming online every year, cybersquatting has become a growing problem on the internet. This involves using or registering a domain name similar or identical to that of a well-known company.

What is a Web Server?

A web server is a computer system combined with software used for the storing and serving of website files. Every time a user goes to a website, their client – a browser – requests the web page’s contents from the web server. In turn, the web site server delivers this to the user’s client.

What is Dedicated Server Hosting?

Dedicated server hosting offers a physical server that is configured and used exclusively by a business, instead of being shared with other enterprise. This leads to performance, reliability and privacy gains across the board as well as giving the organisation complete control of its server solution.

What is Localhost?

In a computer network, localhost refers to the computer you are using to send a loopback request. This request is data from your computer acting as a virtual server, which is sent back to itself without ever passing through a physical network.

What is SSL?

A Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) creates an encrypted link between a browser and a web server so any data moving between the two is kept private. The SSL protocol is actually the predecessor to the current protocol, TLS (Transport Layer Security), but SSL remains better known and its name remains in use today.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a browser-based programming language that brings interactivity to static web pages, applications and more. From animations to content updates, JavaScript is one of the three core web technologies, working alongside HTML and CCS to deliver dynamic web experiences.

What is a URL?

Also referred to as a web address, a uniform resource locator (URL) is made up of different elements – such as a domain name – that instructs the web browser where and how it can access the desired resource that the user wants to view or retrieve.

What is HTML?

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a simple markup coding language used to layout content on a webpage. You use HTML programming language to tell web browsers how to display text, headings, images and other multimedia in the layout you want your users to see it in.

What is a domain name registrar?

A domain name registrar is a company authorised to register domain names for websites, ensuring that an individual or a company can secure a unique website address. A generic top-level domain registry or a country code top-level domain registry must accredit registrars.

What is a DNS Attack ?

DNS attacks exploit the Domain Name System, crucial for internet functionality. Attackers manipulate DNS for unauthorised access, causing network disruptions, financial loss, and reputational damage. In cloud hosting, DNS security is a shared responsibility, crucial for protecting against data theft and malware

What is a Blog?

Within a business context, blog is website or page that is regularly updated with fresh posts that inform, educate, entertain and attract leads and customers, all while promoting the company’s online presence, thought leadership and brand.


What is a datacentre?

A datacentre can be described as a building and/or infrastructure that hosts many computers. For example, they can be used to store a company’s IT system data. As simple as this definition seems, the technologies and systems in place are very complex. Take one of OVHcloud’s datacentres for example, that operates across the globe.

What is a Dedicated Server?

Dedicated servers are physical computers located in a datacentre, with all servers’ resources allocated exclusively to a single client. Dedicated servers are powerful, highly flexible and used as the foundation for many complex IT projects.

What is a Bare Metal Server?

Bare metal servers are physical services based on a server and allocated to an individual customer. Each server is a physical device without a hypervisor preinstalled, and all of its resources are dedicated to the single client.

What is a teraflop?

A teraflop corresponds to a computer’s speed in performing one trillion floating-point operations per second. It is used to measure computing performance, and is particularly crucial in supercomputers, video games and complex data processing.

What is DevOps?

Discover DevOps: a synergy of development and operations boosting efficiency and speed in software delivery processes.

What is IT Infrastructure ?

IT infrastructure refers to the combined group of technology elements including hardware, software, networks, facilities, and all the necessary components that support the management, processing, and storage of information.

What is Hyperconverged Infrastructure (HCI) ?

HCI revolutionises IT by merging compute, storage, and networking into a single system. With software-defined elements and a focus on virtualization, HCI offers a streamlined, efficient approach to management. It offers flexibility, cost savings, and simplified scaling. Embrace HCI for cloud transformation, data centre modernization, and a unified management experience.

What is High Performance Computing (HPC)?

High Performance Computing (HPC) harnesses supercomputers and clusters for complex, high-speed computations. Essential in scientific, engineering, and business domains, HPC performs quadrillions of calculations per second, vastly outpacing standard computers. HPC enables rapid processing of vast data sets and simulations, supporting advancements in fields including healthcare, aviation, and manufacturing.

What is Server Monitoring ?

Server monitoring is the process of systematically tracking, measuring and observing the operations and processes on a server. The primary goal of server monitoring is to collect data that can be used to assess the health and condition of the server, ensuring that it operates at optimal performance levels and ensuring applications such as software-as-a-service (SaaS) run flawlessly.


Definition of a VPS

A virtual private server (VPS) is a virtual server created from a physical machine. The server’s resources are fully allocated to you, guaranteeing total freedom in terms of how you choose to configure it. This technology can also be adapted to suit your projects.

What is virtualization?

Server virtualization technology enables the creation of multiple virtual servers from a single physical server. It helps organizations to cut costs, drive efficiency, and scale easily.

Server virtualization technology enables the creation of multiple virtual servers from a single physical server. It helps organizations to cut costs, drive efficiency, and scale easily.

What is private cloud?

A private cloud provides dedicated IT resources to a single user, delivering high levels of resource control, customisation, and increased security and compliance for an organisation’s data. It offers users the key benefits of the cloud, including scalability, elasticity and automation.

What is VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure)?

VDI offers remote employees access to their desktop environment from anywhere, fostering productivity and flexibility. By centralizing data and applications on remote servers, VDI enhances security, reducing risks associated with lost or stolen devices. With centralized management, IT teams can efficiently handle updates and security patches, simplifying administrative tasks and potentially reducing costs.

Security and compliance

What is data encryption?

Data encryption encompasses all methods of encrypting sensitive or personal information in order to ensure its confidentiality. The data can only be read with an encryption key.

What is data security?

Data security encompasses all of the best practices in terms of protection that must be put in place to guarantee the confidentiality, sovereignty and integrity of the data stored on an IT infrastructure.

What is cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is the application of processes and technologies to protect computer systems, networks and data from cyberattacks, unauthorised access and leaks. It helps maintain data availability, integrity and confidentiality.

Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC)

GRC stands for Governance, Risk, and Compliance, acting as a framework within IT services and security. It aligns IT efforts with organisational goals, ensuring security and compliance with industry standards while managing IT risks like cyber threats and data breaches.

What is Private Network?

A private network is secured and isolated from the public internet, allowing only authorised devices and apps to connect and exchange data with one another. Private networks are often used by business to create local area networks, which offer secure access to network resources within a defined geographic location.

What is Disaster Recovery ?

Disaster recovery is an organisation’s strategy for protecting its data and ensuring business as usual after a disruptive event. Learn more here.

What is Identity and Access Management?

Identity Access Management offers a framework of technologies and processes that only allow users with official authorisation to access enterprise data, resources, assets, and more. This helps protect business from malicious actions and ensures best IT practices are maintained, all while enabling regulatory compliancy targets to be met.

Serverless Computing: Transforming Cloud Architecture

Serverless computing is transforming how applications are built and deployed by abstracting infrastructure management. Developers write code while cloud providers handle scaling, provisioning, and security. This approach enables faster development, cost efficiency, and increased focus on innovation.