What is prompt engineering?

AI prompt engineering is the art and science of designing the instructions given to powerful language models in order to get the best possible results. Think of it like carefully choosing your words to guide an incredibly smart but sometimes literal-minded friend.

Prompt engineers use their understanding of AI models and creative problem-solving skills to craft prompts that help these models generate creative text, translate languages, write different kinds of text, and answer your questions in informative ways.


Understanding generative AI

Generative AI refers to artificial intelligence systems that can produce new content, such as text, images, audio, or other data, based on deep learning of the patterns and structure learned from their training.

The key aspects of generative AI solutions are that they can create novel output, rather than just making predictions or classifications on existing information. This is in contrast to more traditional machine learning models.

Generative AI models learn the underlying patterns and relationships in their training, and then use this knowledge to generate new content that resembles the original information. Common types of generative AI include language models such as ChatGPT that can generate human-like text, and image generation models like DALL-E and Stable Diffusion that can create new images from textual descriptions.


Generative AI has a wide range of potential applications, from creation and creative work to data augmentation and synthetic data generation. However, it also raises concerns around issues such as bias, plagiarism, and the potential for misuse.

The core technology behind generative AI involves techniques like variational autoencoders, generative adversarial networks, and large language models based on transformer architectures. These models learn efficient representations of the training data and use them to produce new text.

Different types of GenAI

There are several main types of generative AI models. Large language models (LLMs) are a specialised type of generative AI focused on natural language processing and text generation, trained on massive datasets of text to learn the patterns and structure of language. Examples include GPT-4, ChatGPT, and Microsoft's Copilot.

Image generation models use techniques such as generative adversarial networks (GANs) and diffusion models to create new images, trained on large datasets of images to understand visual patterns and characteristics. Consider DALL-E, Stable Diffusion, and Midjourney.

Similarly, audio and music generation models are trained on datasets of audio and music to grasp sound patterns and structures. Generative AI can also be applied to code generation, learning from code repositories to generate new, working code, as well as synthesis, creating synthetic data that mimics real-world information.

The core technology behind generative AI involves techniques like variational autoencoders, GANs, and large language models based on transformer architectures, which learn efficient representations of training and use them to generate new text. Generative AI has a wide range of potential applications, from content creation and creative work to information augmentation and synthetic generation, but also raises concerns around issues like bias, plagiarism, and potential misuse.

AI Notebook

What is a prompt?

A prompt is the instruction or request given to a generative AI system to produce a desired output. Prompts can encompass several key components:

Task Instruction/Question

This is the core of the prompt, specifying the action or information the AI should provide, such as "Write a guide on how to make a cheese toastie."


Additional details about the job or scenario to help guide the AI's response, like "The reader has basic cooking tools and ingredients."


The perspective or persona the AI should adopt when generating the output, for example "as a culinary expert, provide practical advice with a friendly tone."


Instructions on how the AI should structure the result, such as "Present your guide with numbered steps."


Providing sample outputs or starting points to help the AI understand the desired format and style.

The combination of these elements in a prompt helps steer the generative AI system to produce a relevant, high-quality, and tailored output that meets the user's specific needs and preferences. Crafting effective prompts is a key skill in getting the most out of generative AI technologies.

How do prompts apply to LLMs?

Prompts are a crucial component in effectively utilising large language models like ChatGPT. Prompts serve as the input that the LLM uses to produce its response. The prompt can include various elements such as the job instruction/question, role and formatting.

The practice of crafting effective prompts is known as "prompt engineering." This involves experimenting with different prompt structures and components to optimise the LLM's outputs. Prompt is a crucial skill for getting the most out of models such as ChatGPT.

The recent popularity of ChatGPT has further highlighted the importance of prompts. As more people interact with this powerful LLM, there is a growing interest in learning how to craft effective prompts to unlock its full potential.


Prompts allow users to tailor ChatGPT's responses to their needs, whether that's generating content, solving problems, or exploring perspectives. As a result, prompt engineering has emerged as an in-demand skill, with people seeking to master the art of prompting to maximise their productivity and creativity with ChatGPT and others.

In summary, prompts are essential for effectively utilising models including ChatGPT. By understanding the components of a prompt and practising prompt engineering, users can steer these models to produce highly relevant and useful outputs tailored to their needs.

Why does getting the prompt right matter?

Specificity leads to relevance:

Broad, generic prompts will produce generic, unfocused results. Crafting specific prompts that provide clear details about the job, formatting, and desired tone/perspective helps ensure the AI's output is highly relevant and tailored to the user's needs.

Context enables nuanced understanding:

Giving the AI model additional information about the prompt, such as the intended audience or purpose, helps it understand the nuances of the request and generate a more appropriate response.

Iteration unlocks better outputs:

Prompt engineering is an iterative process. If the initial prompt doesn't yield the desired output, users should try rephrasing or adding more details. This iterative approach allows them to guide the AI towards the optimal output.

Unlocking AI's full potential:

Effective prompting is essential for getting the most out of generative AI tools. By crafting prompts and refining them, users can unlock the full capabilities of these powerful models and get high-quality, relevant outputs tailored to their needs.

In summary, the search results emphasise that getting the prompt right is crucial because it directly determines the quality, relevance, and usefulness of the AI's response. Prompt engineering allows users to harness the full potential of generative AI systems by guiding them towards outputs that precisely meet their requirements.

Benefits of prompt engineering

Prompt engineering allows users to craft highly specific prompts that guide large language models to produce responses tailored to the user's exact intent. By providing detailed instructions, prompts can steer the model away from producing generic or irrelevant outputs and instead elicit responses that are precisely aligned with the user's needs. This level of specificity is crucial in applications where accuracy and relevance are paramount, such as customer service, technical support, or content creation.

Reduced Misunderstandings

Poorly designed prompts can lead models to misinterpret the user's intent, resulting in responses that miss the mark or even contain harmful biases or inaccuracies. Prompt engineering helps mitigate this risk by ensuring that the prompts are clear, unambiguous, and provide sufficient information for the model to understand the job at hand. By reducing the potential for misunderstandings, prompt engineering enhances the reliability and trustworthiness of LLM-powered applications.

Task Customization

LLMs are highly versatile and can be applied to a wide range of tasks, from written text generation to data analysis. Prompt engineering allows users to tailor the model’s behaviour to specific domains or use cases, ensuring that the model's responses are optimised for the task at hand. This customization can involve adjusting the tone, style, level of detail, or even the underlying knowledge base that the model draws upon, resulting in outputs that are more relevant, useful, and aligned with the user's requirements.

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Unlocking Novel Ideas

Prompt engineering can unlock the creative potential of models, enabling them to produce novel ideas, concepts, and solutions that go beyond their training. By crafting prompts that encourage the model to explore uncharted territories, users can stimulate the model's imagination and uncover unexpected insights. This can be particularly valuable in fields such as research, product development, or creative writing, where innovative thinking is highly prized.

Exploring Uncharted Territories

LLMs are trained on vast amounts of information, but their knowledge is ultimately limited by the information they were exposed to during training. Prompt engineering allows users to steer the model beyond its training, prompting it to draw connections and make inferences that may not have been explicitly covered. This can lead to the discovery of new applications, the identification of previously overlooked patterns, or the generation of unique solutions to complex problems.

Streamlined Experimentation

Prompt engineering facilitates rapid experimentation and iteration, enabling users to quickly test approaches and refine their prompts to achieve the desired response. This iterative process allows for the efficient exploration of various prompt variations, enabling users to identify the most effective prompts for their needs. This streamlined approach to experimentation can significantly accelerate the development and optimization of LLM-powered applications.

Faster Results

By crafting precise and well-designed prompts, users can often achieve the desired response from an LLM without the need for extensive iterations or refinements. This can lead to significant time savings, as the model is able to produce accurate and relevant outputs more quickly. This efficiency is particularly valuable in time-sensitive applications or scenarios where rapid response times are crucial, such as customer service or real-time decision-making.

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Reducing Fine-tuning Needs

In some cases, effective prompt engineering can eliminate or reduce the need for costly and time-consuming fine-tuning of the model itself. By leveraging the model's existing capabilities and guiding it through well-crafted prompts, users can often achieve the desired response without having to invest significant resources into model-specific adjustments. This can lead to substantial cost savings and make LLM-powered solutions more accessible to a wider range of organisations.

Resource Optimization

Prompt engineering helps organisations get the most value out of their existing model resources. By crafting prompts that extract the maximum potential from the model, users can optimise the utilisation of their model investments, whether it's in-house models or those provided by third-party vendors. This approach can lead to improved return on investment and better overall efficiency in the deployment and management of LLM-powered applications.

How does prompt engineering work?

Understand the fundamentals of NLP and language models: Gain a solid grasp of natural language processing techniques and the underlying architectures of large language models (LLMs).

Craft specific, detailed prompts:

Clearly define the job instruction or question, provide relevant information about the scenario, audience, or desired tone, and include formatting instructions on how the output should be structured. Optionally, provide sample outputs or starting points to guide the model.

Test and iterate on the prompts:

Try the prompt on different language models to see how they respond, analyse the outputs and identify areas for improvement, then refine the prompt by rephrasing, adding more details, or changing the structure. Repeat the testing and refinement process until the desired output is achieved.

Scale and automate the prompts:

Explore ways to generalise successful prompts for broader applications, and investigate options such as prompt chaining or prompt programming to automate prompt generation.

Throughout the prompt engineering process, the prompt engineer should consider the relevance, clarity, bias and ethics, iteration and experimentation, technical skills, and soft skills. By following these steps and keeping these considerations in mind, prompt engineers can unlock the full potential of language models and produce highly relevant, tailored outputs that meet the user's needs.

What are the different types of prompt engineering?

Considering the different types of AI models, here's how prompt engineering options vary:

Zero-shot prompting:

This is the most basic form where you present the model with only a task description, no examples.  Think of it as saying "Translate this sentence to Spanish: The dog ran across the street."


Few-shot prompting (in-context learning):

You supplement the task description with a few examples to help the model identify patterns.  For instance: "Translate to Spanish: The cat is black. -> El gato es negro. My house is red. -> Mi casa es roja.  The dog ran across the street. -> ?"

Chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting:

Here, you encourage the model to break down complex problems into smaller steps, explicitly showing its reasoning. Example: "John has 5 apples. Mary gives him 3 more. How many apples does John have now?  Let's think step-by-step: John starts with 5 apples, Mary gives him 3 more, so we add 3...etc."


This involves creating adaptable prompts that improve their instructions over time, making the model better at self-improvement.

Negative prompting:

You tell the model what not to include in its response, useful for filtering out unwanted output. Example: "Write a poem, but don't include any references to flowers."

The best prompt engineering technique depends on the type of AI model. Remember, prompt engineering is both an art and a science. The job at hand and the AI model itself will influence the best approach. Data quality matters, especially for few-shot learning, and precise language in your prompts helps guide the output.

Example of prompt engineering

When tasked with crafting a comprehensive lesson plan, it's crucial to provide the language model with a clear and well-defined structure to follow. Rather than leaving it to flounder about, trying to divine the ideal format on its own, your prompt offers a scaffolding of section headings and guidelines.

Imagine, if you will, requesting a 45-minute algebra lesson plan with the following delineated components: Lesson Objectives, Materials Needed, a snappy 10-minute Warm-up Activity, 15 minutes of riveting Direct Instruction, 15 minutes of Independent Practice for the students to put their newfound skills to the test, and finally, a succinct Exit Ticket to assess learning. This methodical approach ensures the model produces a polished, pedagogically-sound blueprint, leaving no stone unturned.


Sometimes, a single, monolithic prompt can overwhelm even the most sophisticated language model. In such cases, a good prompt engineer knows to break down the task into a series of more manageable steps which the AI can tackle one at a time.

Imagine, for instance, first requesting a succinct overview of the key concepts students should grasp about solving linear equations. With that foundational knowledge secured, the next prompt might ask the model to outline an engaging 15-minute direct instruction segment to teach those critical ideas. Finally, the key last step is a prompt to design a 15-minute independent practice activity that allows students to apply their newfound understanding.

By guiding the model through this carefully choreographed sequence, you ensure each piece of the puzzle fits together seamlessly, resulting in a comprehensive, well-structured lesson plan.


Consider using role-play

Sometimes, a little role-playing can work wonders in eliciting a truly tailored response from the language model. Picture, if you will, requesting a lesson plan on graphing linear equations, but with a twist - you ask the model to respond from the perspective of an experienced 8th grade math teacher.

You might find that the model's language becomes infused with the hard-earned wisdom of a veteran educator. Its suggestions brim with an understanding of adolescent psychology and the pedagogical technique most likely to captivate that particular audience. Gone are the generic platitudes, replaced by a nuanced appreciation for what will truly engage and enlighten these young mathematical minds.

Including examples in your prompts

And let's not forget the power of providing the language model with shining examples to draw inspiration from. Imagine you've been tasked with creating a lesson plan on graphing linear functions, but you're drawing a blank. Why not offer the model a superbly crafted plan on solving quadratic equations as a template?

Now, the model can dissect the structure, content, and tone of that exemplar, using it as a springboard to craft an equally polished and effective lesson on your desired topic. It's similar to handing a budding artist a masterpiece and saying, "Go forth and create something just as stunning!" The results are sure to dazzle.

By embracing these varied prompt engineering options - from structured outputs to iterative prompting, role-playing to exemplar-based inspiration - you unlock the true potential of language models, coaxing forth responses that are not merely competent, but positively captivating.
