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JumpCrew decreased their average create-to-send time to 3 minutes

minutes average create-to-send time
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North America

JumpCrew is an outsourced sales and marketing company that helps B2B companies build awareness, drive leads, and increase revenue. Their secret sauce is a mixture of data, content, media, automation, and sales culture; powered by technology and a human touch. JumpCrew is based in Nashville, TN but launched to power the global remote workforce.

The problem 

JumpCrew is an innovative startup that was relying on a business document solution that was anything but reliable. Repeated issues with contract syncing, document formatting, and eSignatures forced JumpCrew to open upwards of four critical incident tickets within a year. The platform itself would often be down as well, rendering the org unable to send or receive contracts for days at a time.

“It seemed like we were always asking, ‘Hey, has anyone seen the contract? Can we look at the contract? Let’s reference what’s in there. What is it for? How many months? What are the deliverables?’Removing friction during the closing process is probably one of the most important parts of any sales organization. And having that friction was a huge barrier for our team, especially in those crunch-time moments when we were trying to get something out and back on the same day.” VP of Sales, Jarron Vosburg.

Product Manager, Taylor Transue divulged the details of the tool’s high-maintenance integration with Salesforce. It forced reps to jump back-and-forth between their CRM and document to produce a single contract. In other words, a lot of work went into sending a document for little to no insight on how it was received by the recipient.

From a technical standpoint, our previous vendor was very difficult to maintain. From an aesthetic standpoint, it didn’t look modern. It wasn’t something that we could customize based on the product, and when you combine that with all the technical issues, we knew we needed to start looking for a new tool that would be more responsive, include more tracking and analytics, and that was just plain pretty.” Taylor Transue, Product Manager

Taylor and Jarron were affected by the inefficiencies of the solution in different ways. But, they could both agree that JumpCrew needed a new document generation, management, storage, and eSignature tool that could streamline their workflows, provide more in-depth document analytics, and a stellar customer experience. 

The solution 

While Jarron wasn’t a direct decision-maker in the selection of the new tool, he was able to provide a valuable, grassroots perspective on what wasn’t working with their current solution.

“After vetting a billion different contracting tools, PandaDoc was the best. So, when we were re-assessing at JumpCrew, I suggested PandaDoc, and it stuck. I’ve always liked it; I think it’s a great tool. It’s very easy to use.” Rob Solberg, Senior Vice President of Partnerships

After purchasing an Enterprise plan, Jarron was, “amazed at how quickly everyone on the team was able to ramp their usage without needing much training or troubleshooting, which usually isn’t the case, especially at an enterprise level.” The entire JumpCrew team loved PandaDoc’s intuitive user experience and its easy navigation. PandaDoc was implemented throughout its 4 business units with unique branding, documents, and fields. The org’s long-sought-after ability to customize their workflows was not only made possible, but seamless and more accessible than ever with PandaDoc. 

Once integrated with Salesforce, reps can simply open their opportunities, pull the ten required fields from Salesforce, press the “create contract” button and, voila, their contracts are created and populated with accurate information in just around 3 minutes. 

“PandaDoc has transformed Salesforce into our single source of truth, which has been a huge value-add for us. It’s also given us a lot of additional bandwidth since we no longer have to juggle a million tools.” Jarron Vosburg, VP at JumpCrew

PandaDoc has given the JumpCrew team the flexibility they needed to make contract adjustments on the fly and gain more visibility into the way their prospects interact with the content within documents.

“We use the data PandaDoc provides on ‘opens’ as buying intent signals. For instance, if you just told a prospect to watch their inbox and see that they haven’t opened the PandaDoc for 24 hours, you need to get that person on the phone. Similarly, if you see somebody opening your PandaDoc the second after you press send, it means they’re excited, and you need to get them on the phone, too. No matter the signal, it gives the sales reps something to work. And that’s something we’ve never had before.” Jarron Vosburg, VP at JumpCrew 

The result 

With JumpCrew’s Salesforce stages now directly tied to contract statuses within PandaDoc, forecasting closable pipeline is easier than ever.

“When you’re getting down to the nitty-gritty, the last couple of weeks of the month, and you’re trying to identify which opportunities to prioritize reps can now see which contracts have been sent, opened, or engaged with by the prospect and go in for the ‘close.’” He added, “Sales is a living, breathing department that’s constantly trying to evolve, be better, and iterate new ideas. PandaDoc has remained our constant, the one thing that continues to be useful regardless of how we evolve, which speaks volumes, in my opinion.” Jarron Vosburg, VP at JumpCrew 

Not only has PandaDoc transformed the revenue-generating teams of JumpCrew, but its benefits have also extended to HR and marketing. The org published new versions of its employee handbook and had them electronically sign it with PandaDoc. Marketing enjoys the simple process of updating document templates for brand consistency across all four of their business units.

When we asked if Jarron about what aspects of PandaDoc he’d improve if he had a magic wand, he replied.

“I don’t need a magic wand because it seems like PandaDoc is doing most of the magic for me.” Jarron Vosburg, VP at JumpCrew 

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