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  3. Real Estate Development Proposal Template


Real Estate Development Proposal Template

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  3. Real Estate Development Proposal Template


Real Estate Development Proposal Template

Prepared by:[Sender.FirstName][Sender.LastName][Sender.Company]

Prepared for:[Client.FirstName][Client.LastName]​ ​[Client.Company]

Image 1

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Client Testimonials

Site Overview

  • Aerial View

Ownership History

Location Analysis

  • Overview

  • Adjacent Properties

  • Notable Nearby Developments

  • Zoning

  • Economic Profile

  • Household Income

  • Employment Data

  • Notable Employers

  • Additional Economic Drivers

Development Plan Feasibility Analysis

Development Timeline


  • Architect & Design

  • Permits & Approvals

  • Construction

  • Management

  • Sales & Marketing

Financial Analysis

  • Site Acquisition

  • Taxes

  • Hard Costs

  • Soft Costs

  • Construction Financing

  • Permanent Financing

Risk Analysis

  • Disclaimer

  • Timing

  • Market Risk

  • Finance Risk

  • Construction Cost Risk


Executive Summary

This real estate development proposal will cover our proposed project for the development of the following property: [Client.StreetAddress][Client.City][Client.State][Client.PostalCode]​.

The property’s unique qualities are as follows: (insert data on what makes developing the property unique. For example, you can have a roof deck, a patio, present an aerial view, etc. — features that make your proposed project stand out).

Our proposed development solution includes all the details you need, including site overview, ownership history, client testimonials, location analysis, development plan feasibility analysis, development timeline, details of our consultants, financial and risk analysis, amongst other important details.

Client Testimonials

Site Overview

Ownership History

The table below details the ownership history of the property.

Transaction Date

Selling Price

New Owner

Location Analysis

Adjacent Properties