Customer Case Study


The Company:


Since 1997, Twin Hill has been providing custom, tailored uniform apparel to businesses throughout the world. By placing a priority on each of its client’s unique brands, Twin Hill focuses on creating a highly customized product for its customers — one that truly reflects the company’s identity and promotes its culture. 

To make good on its mission to emphasize “quality, service and style,” Twin Hill needed to provide its clients with online stores that deliver a shopping experience in line with today’s customer expectations — a fast, simple, self-service experience that allowed them to easily customize their unique products. 

But the platform Twin Hill used was no longer standing up to the challenge. And it was negatively impacting Twin Hill’s bottom line. “We were losing customers,” says Natasha Rodriguez, Twin Hill’s director of information technology. “One of our premium clients left us because we weren’t able to provide its users the same experience they would get on any other modern e-commerce site.” 

Twin Hill knew it was time for a change. The company needed to find a robust digital commerce platform that would not only provide the modern e-commerce shopping experience today’s customers demand, but also one that would offer its clients a fast, easy, highly customizable, self-service experience. 

After an extensive search, Twin Hill found the right e-commerce platform for its business in QAD Digital Commerce.

Twin Hill
Houston, TX
Uniform Apparel
Corporate business wear, uniforms, accessories and luggage
Solutions Utilized
QAD Digital Commerce


The Challenge:


Twin Hill realized it needed to move its e-commerce business over to a different platform. The e-commerce platform it was using at the time was not only being phased out by its software provider, it was also old, outdated and lacking in essential capabilities Twin Hill needed to effectively service its clients. 

One issue with the platform was that it was unable to securely accept credit cards. “Sure, we could offer our clients the ability to accept credit cards in their online stores,” Rodriguez says. “But there were security flaws, and there was no guarantee that personal information would not be breached.” 

Additionally, the platform didn’t offer the modern e-commerce experiences today’s consumers have grown to expect, says Rodriguez. “Customers expect an Amazon-like experience, and they just weren’t getting it.”

As a result of these lacking e-commerce capabilities, Twin Hill was unable to meet the growing demands of its existing clients that now wanted to offer modern digital commerce experiences to their customers. It was also losing potential new clients whose expectations didn’t match Twin Hill’s e-commerce capabilities.

Twin Hill determined it needed a new site that would meet three important requirements:

  • The site needed to be easily supported by anyone in the market so that, from an IT perspective, employees could easily flex in and out as needed.
  • From an infrastructure perspective, the site needed to meet all security guidelines and be payment card industry (PCI) compliant.
  • The site needed to be easily flexible to on customer needs without putting the entire platform in jeopardy.

“The QAD Digital Commerce team truly understands our business, is able to meet the unique requirements of our business and is always there to provide the personal attention we sometimes need.”

Natasha Rodriguez, Director of IT, Twin Hill

The Solution:


Twin Hill set out to find a platform provider that could meet all of these requirements and quickly get their e-commerce capabilities up to speed. Twin Hill soon discovered that QAD Digital Commerce’s platform could easily handle all of these requirements and more. 

Twin Hill partnered with QAD Digital Commerce to implement its e-commerce platform. “QAD Digital Commerce came in and learned our business — the team asked us about our audience and what we really wanted out of our new site,” Rodriguez says. “Then they showed us sample sites that they had done and made recommendations about what would work best for us.”

After those initial discussions, the QAD Digital Commerce team initiated a project discovery call, in which a dedicated project manager and a support team of designers and developers was assigned to the Twin Hill account. From there, the QAD Digital Commerce team began to build out a full-blown project plan. 

From there, QAD Digital Commerce worked diligently with Twin Hill through each phase of the project: site look-and-feel, e-commerce configuration settings, custom development, enterprise resource planning (ERP) integration - training Twin Hill on how to manage the site and ultimately, go-live. 

The Benefits:


Since beginning the partnership with QAD Digital Commerce, Twin Hill has moved all of its older clients to the platform, as well as launched all new clients on it. “We are 100% QAD Digital Commerce. We have 21 online stores for 21 different customers — and these customers are all over the world,” Rodriguez says. “The QAD Digital Commerce platform makes it easy to manage those stores and ship products on behalf of these clients.” 

Since launching QAD Digital Commerce, Twin Hill’s customer service calls have also seen drastic improvements — dropping 30% in the past year. “That’s thanks to the usability of the site — online chat, self-service password resets and online returns,” Rodriguez says. 

And Twin Hill can now offer to launch their client’s online stores much faster than they were able to before using QAD Digital Commerce — an attribute that allowed Twin Hill to land a very large corporate account. “We were able to demonstrate that we could have this client’s online store up-and-running in one week,” Rodriguez says. “Before QAD Digital Commerce, it would take three months to put an online store in front of a client. Being able to do that so quickly landed us that deal.” 

Rodriguez says it’s not just the robust e-commerce technology that sold Twin Hill on QAD Digital Commerce; it’s also the management team that works with Twin Hill. “The QAD Digital Commerce team truly understands our business, is able to meet the unique requirements of our business and is always there to provide the personal attention we sometimes need,” she explains. “That’s a big part of the reason we chose QAD Digital Commerce when we needed a new e-commerce platform partner.”


*QAD Digital Commerce was formerly known as WebJaguar 

“We are 100% QAD Digital Commerce. We have 21 online stores for 21 different customers — and these customers are all over the world. The QAD Digital Commerce platform makes it easy to manage those stores and ship products on behalf of these clients.”

Natasha Rodriguez, Director of IT, Twin Hill

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