Flexible booking conditions

Booking of accommodation can be canceled with a full refund up to 7 days before arrival, alternatively until 18:00 on the day before arrival. Special conditions apply to activities. Current conditions for your selected accommodation or activity can be found under "Terms and conditions" when you get to the shopping cart in the booking flow. Read more

STF Fulufjällsgården

By Fulufjället National Park and near Njupeskär waterfall

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Flexible booking conditions

About the accommodation

Fulufjällsgården borders Fulufjället National Park, within walking distance of Naturum and Njupeskär waterfall. Enjoy a wonderful breakfast, and explore the mountain and surroundings returning to the hostel for a pleasant evening and a good night’s sleep.

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We offer our guests authentic and pleasant accommodation right in the heart of Fulufjället’s lovely nature experiences. Fulufjällsgården borders Fulufjället National Park. The park entrance and Naturum are within walking distance. Here you can get hiking tips, see exhibitions about Fulufjället, participate in guided tours and much more.

Fulufjället offers a mountain experience out of the ordinary while the same time being very accessible. You can explore the mountain freely or by following the hiking trails in summer, or on touring skis and snowshoes in the winter. The mountain is great for both experienced and novice hikers and skiers. At Fulufjällsgården we are happy to tell you about our favorite places and prime spots. Fulufjällsgården is an excellent starting point from which to explore this amazing area. There are also incredible areas to discover outside the park itself. Stenvallen chalet and Fulufallen with its 8 rapids and waterfalls with a total drop of 80 meters are good examples.
At Fulufjällsgården you sleep comfortably in newly renovated and beautifully furnished rooms. Start your day with our generous breakfast buffet, from which you can also make your own packed lunch to take with you to the mountain. Other meals can usually be offered by arrangement, and a fully equipped guest kitchen is available. We also have a small shop where you can buy simple food to prepare for your dinner. Contact us for the current selection or to order other meals.
Fulufjällsgården also offers a sauna, which you can book on site. We also have a nice common room where you can enjoy your dinner or just relax on the sofa in front of a crackling fire, do some reading, share your experiences of the day, or simply unwind with a board game.
We welcome you to Norra Dalarna and Fulufjällsgården!

/Ulf and staff

Check-in any time after 14:00, checkout by 11:00.

Our service

  • Guest kitchen

    Fully equipped kitchen for self-catering. The kitchen is shared with other guests.

  • Electric car charging

    Electric vehicle charging available.

  • Sauna

    A sauna is available.

  • WIFI

    WiFi is available in common areas and/or in bedrooms.

  • Family room

    Room with at least 4 beds within the same room.

  • Bike storage

    Bike storage available.

  • Parking

    Car parking is available next to the property, a fee may apply.

  • Breakfast

    Breakfast is included in the room price/rate or can be purchased for an additional fee. Opening hours/selection may vary depending on season.

  • <1 km to marked trails

    Less than 1 kilometer to marked hiking trail.

  • <1 km to marked winter trails

    Less than 1 kilometer to marked winter trail.

  • Book your own house

    It is possible to book the entire accommodation.

  • Groups

    Group booking is available for a minimum of 10 people.

  • Conference

    Meeting-/conference rooms are available upon request.

Group enquiry

Are you more than 10 people planning a conference, family reunion, camp or a school trip? Fill out the form and your request will be sent to your selected accommodation, which will get back to you with a quotation to suit your group!


    Please specify the type of event:
    Read about how we handle your personal data.

    See availability and book.

    Search & Book

    Contact and opening hours


    Mörkret 67A
    797 91 Särna

    Travel options
    Fulufjällsgården is on the border with Fulufjället National Park, just over two kilometers west of Särna. Särna also has the nearest grocery store, petrol station and restaurants. Fulufjällsgården is about 40 minutes by car from Idre and just over an hour from Sälen. The drive from Stockholm takes about six hours, or around seven hours from Gothenburg. We offer free parking and charging points for your electric or hybrid car.
    Särna, the nearest village, is easily reached by public transport. There is a bus to Särna from Mora, which you can get to by train or bus. Once in Särna, the bus departs every Thursday and Monday for Mörkre village, where Fulufjällsgården is located. The bus stop is adjacent to the farm. If the local bus is not a good option, we will be happy to pick you up in Särna. Please call us for more information.
    If you are hiking along Södra Kungsleden, you will see signs for Mörkret village outside Naturum. Fulufjällsgården is a little over 2km away.


    N61.648692°, E12.742381°


    +46 25317003 info@fulufjallsgarden.se

    Check-in and check-out times:

    Check in (from): 14:00
    Check out (to): 11:00

    Number of beds

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    • Sustainability pledge

      Sustainability pledge

      The accommodation has taken the STF Sustainability pledge on working sustainably in their daily operations and involve you as a guest.

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