Hiker admiring the view over lake

Saltoluokta – Kvikkjokk

The Kungsleden walking trail between STF’s mountain stations at Saltoluokta and Kvikkjokk is about 70 km long. You get to enjoy exciting countryside straddled between Sareks high mountains and the forest landscape to the east. You get to cross open moors, descend through sparse mountain forests, take a boat over large lakes and can take the opportunity to make a few detours into the Sarek region.

On the way southwards from Saltoluokta, you go through a beautiful plain landscape with alpine bearberries, willows and the occasional mountain birch. At Lake Sitojaure you can sleep at the STF Sitojaure Mountain Cabin, and the next morning you can take the boat to the other side. You can also make a detour to the Skierfe mountain and enjoy an amazing view over the Rapadalen valley.

Aktse, where STF has two mountain refuge huts, is located at the mouth of the Rapadalen valley approximately halfway between Saltoluokta and Kvikkjokk. It’s a spot that is well worth a visit, whether it’s a short one or a longer one. Make day trips into the Sarek region, learn about the Sámis and mountain farmers’ cultural history, or simply enjoy the tranquillity and beautiful surroundings.

There are plenty of lakes, barren mountain landscapes and old coniferous forests on the way to the STF Kvikkjokk Mountain Station. The Tarraälven and Kamajåkkå rivers flow together at Kvikkjokk. You can take the opportunity to hire a canoe or take some boat trips up into the Tarradalen delta.


The way people usually travel is by train to Gällivare and then by Flixbus to Saltoluokta. You can also fly to Gällivare. Kvikkjokk has public transport connections with Jokkmokk and Murjek (bus number 94).

Map of Kungsleden Saltoluokta – Kvikkjokk

This map is a planning tool and should not replace a physical map and compass. The service “Naturkartan” is operated by a company called “Outdoor map”. Please note that trail information is owned and updated by the respective trail administrator (e.g. municipality or county administrative board).

Saltoluokta – Kvikkjokk

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