Mountain cabin along the Kungsleden trail

Signature Trail Kungsleden Hemavan

Hemavan lies at the southern end of Kungsleden. Hiking north from here, through the Vindelfjällen Nature Reserve to Ammarnäs is like walking through a miniature Lapland. Impressive barren mountain ranges towering above and deep green valleys are interspersed with wetlands teeming with birds, mountain birch forests and lakes rich in fish. You stay in STF’s mountain cabins along the trail, all of which have little shops where you can buy supplies.

Signature Trail Kungsleden Hemavan is one of STF’s signature trails.

Signature Trail Kungsleden Hemavan in short

  1. Length: 78 kilometres in total, 8–19 kilometres per day
  2. How much time: Six days hiking, 6–8 hours per day
  3. Number of overnight stays: Five in mountain cabins/mountain stations
  4. Mountain shops with food: STF Hemavan Mountain StationSTF Hemavan Mountain Centre, STF’s mountain cabins AigertServeSyterTärnasjö and Viterskalet
  5. Water/food along the trail: You need to bring lunch. Water can be taken from streams.
  6. Fully licensed restaurants: STF Hemavan Mountain Station,  STF Hemavan Mountain Centre and Ammarnäs Wärdshus.
  7. Accommodation during the hike: STF Hemavan Mountain Station or STF Hemavan Mountain Centre as well as the mountain cabins Viterskalet, Syter, Tärnasjö, Serve and Aigert.
  8. Maps: Calazo’s printed map
    App: Fjällkartan
  9. Staying in a mountain cabin

Map of Kungsleden Hemavan-Ammarnäs

This map is a planning tool and should not replace a physical map and compass. The service “Naturkartan” is operated by a company called “Outdoor map”. Please note that trail information is owned and updated by the respective trail administrator (e.g. municipality or county administrative board).

Discover Kungsleden Hemavan

The entire hike is in Vindelfjällen Nature Reserve. The purpose of the reserve is to preserve a South Sami mountain area where almost all types of nature that are characteristic of the Swedish mountains are represented. The hike takes you through all of the different alpine hardiness zones, from low to high alpine. The trail starts with an ascent to Viterskalet. It continues through the Syterskalet valley, where the contrast between the lush valley and the steep, majestic, mountainous slopes either side has to be experienced. Both bird-watchers and anglers stop off by the lake Tärnasjön. The next to last day is the longest and passes the second highest point along Kungsleden. The final stretch to Ammarnäs slopes gently downhill. The majority of the stages are a reasonable length, giving you time to take a nap, go fishing and pick berries along the way. All mountain cabins have shops where you can buy supplies, allowing you to keep your backpack light.

See and do along the trail

Visit naturum in Hemavan. Go fishing in Tärnasjön or pick berries and mushrooms along the trail. You pass Vindelfjällen’s highest peak, the elegant Norra Sytertoppen, 1 768 metres above sea level. Add an extra day and climb it!

Don’t miss

There is very rich bird-life in Vindelfjällen, bring a bird book that is easy to carry, unless you are already an expert!

Sections of Kungsleden Hemavan

Sleep here the first night: STF Hemavan Mountain Station and STF Hemavan Mountain Centre

Day 1: Hemavan-Viterskalet:
 11 kilometres, 3–4 hours of hiking.
Stay here: STF Viterskalet Mountain Cabin

The trail starts in Hemavan’s ski area at the south entrance of Kungsleden. After an uphill section, you walk into the Syterskalet valley which is lined with steep mountains. The section finishes with a hike on flat ground above the tree-line along the rippling stream Syterbäcken.

STF Mountain Cabin Viterskalet has a magnificent location in the middle of the U-shaped valley that divides the Storfjället mountain range. Water can be taken from streams along the trail. The cabin has a mountain shop.

Day 2: Viterskalet-Syter, 12 kilometres, 3–4 hours of hiking.
Stay here: STF Syter Mountain Cabin

The bulk of this stage takes you through the spectacular U-shaped valley Syterskalet. You hike through a lush landscape framed by steep rocky walls. The last kilometres are downhill. STF Syter Mountain Cabin is situated in beautiful surroundings by the stream Svärfarsbäcken at the northern end of Storfjället. Water can be taken from streams along the trail. The cabin has a mountain shop.

Day 3: Syter-Tärnasjö, 14 kilometres, 4–5 hours of hiking.
Stay here: STF Tärnasjö Mountain Cabin

The stage starts flat and then continues downhill through a mountain birch forest. Four kilometres from the start, you reach the unique archipelago in the lake Tärnasjön. The lake and the hundreds of islets in it, which were formed by a Rogen moraine, are crossed via seven bridges. The stage is ends in a mountain birch forest by the eastern shore of Tärnasjön. The entire stage is easy hiking.
Water can be taken from streams along the trail. The cabin has a mountain shop.

Day 4: Tärnasjö-Serve, 14 kilometres, 4–5 hours of hiking.
Stay here: STF Serve Mountain Cabin

The stage starts with a long uphill walk. You walk out of the birch forest and into a winding valley where you pass a number of small lakes. After some flat, boggy terrain, there is another ascent. The section is rolling and goes through easily hiked high points and lakes full of fish. Water can be taken from streams along the trail. STF Mountain Cabin Serve has a mountain shop.

Day 5: Serve-Aigert, 19 kilometres, 5–7 hours of hiking.
Stay here: STF Aigert Mountain Cabin

Another day where the landscape is rolling, with the trail heading uphill and downhill interchangeably. The stage starts with an uphill walk to the foot of the mountain Vuomatjåhkkas, which is also the highest point of the stage. There is a picnic cabin here where you can take a break if the weather is bad. The trail continues towards the mountain Lill-Aigert, from where there is a lovely view down towards Tjulträsket. The last stretch to the cabin follows a rippling stream. Water can be taken from streams along the trail. STF Mountain Cabin Aigert has a mountain shop.

Day 6: Aigert-Ammarnäs, 8 kilometres, 2–3 hours of hiking.
Stay here: Ammarnäs Wärdshus

The last day is a short, easy hike, mostly downhill. You descend through the tree-line and walk through a mountain birch forest to the village of Ammarnäs. At the halfway point, there is a beautiful view of the Ammarnäs delta. The last stretch goes along a gravel road. Ammarnäs is served by regional buses. There is also a shop and a restaurant.

Transport to the trail

Both Hemavan and Ammarnäs are on the rail network (SJ and in summer also Inlandsbanan) to Vännäs followed by regional buses. Transport back from Ammarnäs to Hemavan at the end of the hike is by regional bus.

Trail markers

Blue signs show you the way at the start of trails and at crossings. When a summer trail and winter trail meet, follow the red trail crosses. Cairns also show the way.

Discover more

Our signature trails

Sweden offers many different hiking trails in both the mountains and lowland areas.

More about mountain hiking

The Swedish mountain chain stretches from Treriksröset at the farthest north to Dalarna in the south, and offers wonderful opportunities for hiking.

More about lowland hiking

Sweden has many paths and trails suitable for walking, in which you take the time needed to discover the natural world at your own pace.

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