Signature Trail Öland

Thanks to its unusual agricultural landscape, all of southern Öland has been a UNESCO world heritage site since 2000. The geographical location of the island, the limestone bedrock and the mild climate has, along with human impact, created these conditions. The Mörbylångaleden trail runs through this barren and beautiful world heritage site and is our signature trail.

Signature Trail Öland is one of STF’s signature trails.

Signature Trail Öland in short

  1. Length: 84 kilometres in total, 12–22 kilometres per day
  2. Number of stages/hiking days: 5 days
  3. Stage lengths: 12–18 km (3–8 hours of hiking per day)
  4. Water/food along the trail: You should carry food and water with you each day, but it is possible to purchase food and drinks at a few places.
  5. Accommodation during the hike: STF Station LinnéSTF Hotell Magasin 1, STF Bo Pensionat Vickleby, Stora Frögården, Allégården Kastlösa, Gammalsbygården, STF Ottenby Hostel
  6. Link to map

Map of Signature trail Öland

This map is a planning tool and should not replace a physical map and compass. The service “Naturkartan” is operated by a company called “Outdoor map”. Please note that trail information is owned and updated by the respective trail administrator (e.g. municipality or county administrative board).

Discover Mörbylångaleden

The soil on Öland begun being cultivated as early as in the Stone Age; then as well as now, arable and livestock farming have co-existed. Mörbylångaleden runs through this landscape of pastures, villages, wetlands and arable land.
The trail starts at the Öland Tourist Information Centre in Färjestaden and goes all the way down to the southern tip of Öland. It begins with inland hiking and, on day two, runs right by the eastern coast of Öland. On the third day, you traverse to the east side of Öland and the hike heads directly south on the following days. There is accommodation at the end of each stage. On the first and the last day you should make sure you bring food for dinner. There are restaurants available on the other days.

See and do along the trail

The hiking trail passes large parts of Öland and there are therefore a number of different activities along the way. Go swimming, rent kayaks, visit second-hand shops or galleries, for example. Öland has plenty of workshops for both design and crafts.

Don’t miss

The very southern tip of Öland has the famous lighthouse Långe Jan, as well as Ottenby Bird Station. There is a bird museum, public recreation areas, a nature visitor centre and a restaurant. There are also various types of guided bird tours on offer.

Transport to the trail

Train to Kalmar and then a bus with Kalmar Länstrafik to Färjestaden. Long-stay parking for those arriving by car is not available in Färjestaden. Transport back after the end of the walk is via Kalmar Länstrafik , but notice it´s sparse traffic.

Trail markers

The trail is marked with red wooden arrows. Information boards are also available in certain places and tell you more about the culture, nature and history of Öland.

Sections of Signature Trail Öland

Day 1: Färjestaden-Skogsby 17 kilometres, 6–7 hours of hiking.

Stay here:  STF Station Linné

The start of the trail is at Öland Tourist Information Centre, just next to the bridge. The whole section is an easy hike and it mainly runs on tarmac roads, gravel roads and tractor roads. At STF Station Linné (a research station with guided tours), continue on road 136 and walk north for one kilometre to reach the hostel. Limited availability of food and water along the section.

Day 2: Skogsby-Mörbylånga 18 kilometres, 6-7 hours of hiking.
Stay here: STF Hotell Magasin1 or STF Bo Pensionat Vickleby

The second section begins on road 136, heading south, but quickly turns off onto smaller roads and then turns into footpaths and narrow tractor roads that run right along the coast. The hiking is easy and pleasant, sometimes through lush woodland and sometimes next to the sea. There are barbecue spots and toilets along the way. There are plenty of places to go for a swim! The trail runs just right past the hostel. Limited availability of food and water along the section, a fully licensed restaurant and self-catering facilities are available at the hostel.

Day 3: Mörbylånga-Kastlösa 13,5 kilometres, 4-5 hours of hiking.
Stay hereAllégården Kastlösa (Not STF accommodation, which means your membership discount does not apply and you cannot book via STF).

The trail continues along the coast until Mörbylånga. This is the last place along this hike where you can buy food. From here, the trail runs on gravel roads and tractor roads. At Klovenhälls Läge, approximately four kilometres from the end of the stage there is a nice rest stop by the sea. There is a restaurant at the end of the stage.

Day 4: Kastlösa-Gammalsby 22 km, 7–8 hours of hiking.
Stay here: Gammalsbygården (Not STF accommodation, which means your membership discount does not apply and you cannot book via STF).

The trail now runs from the west coast to the east coast. For large parts of the day, the hike takes you through the vast, barren Stora alvaret, occasionally with a view over the Baltic Sea. In the middle of the section, the trail runs in a straight line on an old railway embankment, which may sometimes be a bit uneven. In total, there are three official rest stops along the section. There is a toilet at the beginning and just before the end of the section. No food or water are available along the section. There is a restaurant at the end of the stage.

Day 5: Gammalsby-Ottenby 12 km, 4–5 hours of hiking.
Stay here: STF Ottenby Hostel

On the last day, the trail first continues along the old embankment, before heading through fields, paths and finally a country road. There is no available food or water along the section. There are self-catering facilities at the hostel.

Recharge or relax before or after your hike at STF Vickleby/Bo pensionat

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