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  1. tech
    TikTok : Illustration
    Is TikTok Really Going to Be Banned?President Biden signed legislation that could eventually remove TikTok from app stores. Here’s what to know.
  2. politics?
    I Can’t Stop Reading About Naomi Biden’s WeddingWhat was the song from Cruel Intentions doing there?
  3. student loan forgiveness
    What to Know About Biden’s Student-Debt PlanThe president announced he will cancel up to $10,000 in federal loan payments for Americans making under $125,000.
  4. life after roe
    At Least Joe Biden Did Something About AbortionThe president announced an executive order to protect access, though many details remain unclear.
  5. feminism?
    Introducing President Kamala HarrisWe briefly had our first woman president thanks to … a colonoscopy.
  6. the body politic
    America Is Back, IndeedWith Biden, we’ve restored our country’s favorite tradition: basic, middling, white patriarchy.
  7. power
    Finally, He’s GoneIt’s dizzying to imagine a Trump-free White House after four years of chaos and targeted cruelty.
  8. the body politic
    The Only Strategy Left for DemocratsAfter this week, the mandate is clear: Make people’s lives better. And stop trying to placate Republicans.
  9. power
    America, You Owe MeWe have been patient, and America owes Black people whatever it has to give.
  10. whoops!
    Trump Admits That Biden WonBut he still refuses to concede.
  11. the bigger picture
    Four Years Later, a Citywide PartyIn the seconds after major news networks called Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 election, New Yorkers exhaled loudly, in unison.
  12. election 2020
    Biden Is the Projected Winner of the ElectionPlease allow yourself a long exhale.
  13. congrats
    Watch the Cheers, Celebrations, and Dancing in the StreetsThe nation is celebrating Joe Biden’s projected victory in the 2020 election.
  14. 2020 debates
    Could’ve Used More Mute ButtonThe final presidential debate promised a mute button, but arguably underdelivered on it.
  15. presidential debates
    What the Hell Is Going on With the Next Presidential Debate?Organizers say it will take place remotely — in which case Trump says he won’t participate at all.
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