Veloped & Rollator Walker — Made for Walking

Welcome to Trionic - Your supplier of high-quality and unique mobility aids. Our Swedish rollators and walkers promote your mobility, your health and your enjoyment of the outdoors. At Trionic you'll find rollators and wheeled walkers with pneumatic tires, hub brakes and patented solutions like the Trionic Climbing Wheel and the Trionic Syncro Steering.

Our offer:

  • The Trionic Veloped is in fact the only true off-road walker on the market, and it's your modern alternative to a rollator.
  • The Trionic Walker is the new premium class among rollators, and it offers you a great outdoor performance and a very high comfort level.

We want you to enjoy the best product experience in the market of our field; the ultimate mobility aids for urban and outdoor areas.

We Pursue Our Wild Ideas.

Trionic Walker 12er

Trionic Walker – The Premium Walker

The Trionic Walker offers you premium quality and ensures an excellent comfort level. The Trionic Walker is what you need when searching for an outdoor rollator designed for uneven footpaths, roads, grounds and other surfaces such as grass and gravel.

A Walker Helping You Enjoy Life Again

As each individual is unique, we have a range of walkers to suit your needs. Our innovative Trionic Walker cannot be compared to any other walker in the market.

Using cutting-edge technology and keeping customer’s satisfaction and comfort in mind during its manufacturing process, Trionic Walkers are designed to promote mobility and an active lifestyle outdoors.

Using air-filled pneumatic tyres, all-terrain brakes, an all-aluminium-walking-frame and synchronized steering, we ensure that the premium standard is always met. All Walker models are fully equipped with synchronized steering to eliminate direction and imbalance issues when used outdoors on uneven surfaces.

Depending on your goals and the area you choose to use your Trionic Walker, there are three unique models to choose from:

Explore Our Walkers »

Trionic Veloped – the Premium Off-Road Capable Walker

The Trionic Veloped offers you premium quality and ensures excellent control when you decide to leave footpaths, roads, gravel and grass to walk on more bumpy ‘off-road’ surfaces. The Veloped is longer and wider than our outdoor Walkers and has a front climbing wheel so that you can navigate more difficult terrain.

All Trionic Veloped models have the same performance and functionality in terms of the frame, climbing wheel, all-terrain braking system, hand grip bar, seat and basket. The differences are in the textile colours and accessories. For example, the Veloped Sport is the lightest model and the Veloped Tour has a larger, more comfortable seat and includes a rain cover. The Veloped Trek has the same seat as the Sport but includes a seat bag and a backpack.

Depending on your ability and your goals you can choose from:

The Best Walking Aids for the Disabled and Elderly

With walking aids from Trionic, one thing is assured – you are going to be active. Our walking aids are the best as they are specifically designed to enhance your mobility outdoors and promote a safer, healthier lifestyle.

So, if you are thinking of exploring an accessible beach, a trip to the park, a stroll around the street, or a walk to the store down the road, you can do it efficiently and safely using our walking aids.

Explore Our Velopeds »
Trionic Veloped

Product Reviews    

  • I have just taken delivery of the Walker & Veloped…

    Amazing machines, both of them, and I have no doubt whatsoever that they will make a big difference to me.

    The quality of the construction is really excellent, and that was apparent the moment I opened the boxes. Beautifully made, these two machi…

  • If you can afford it!…

    Ten times the price of a bog-standard walker but, provided of course that you can afford it, well worth it! My 84 year-old wife found the small wheels of her old walker made for a very bumpy experience, which added to the problems she had with her ha…

  • Had my Veloped Trek for about 6 years…

    Had my Veloped Trek for about 6 years, so impressed with the quality and durability.

    Best customer & after sales service I've seen.

    Highly recommend this business.…

  • Robust, designed to be fit for purpose and that was just the cardboard c…

    From the start dealing with this company has been really good, Stefan that means you as individual, but much more than that the ethos of the company not only shone out in the response to my first tentative enquiry but in the ongoing communication thr…

  • Standing beside my colour coordinated car!…

    I am getting used to it and I’m delighted with it. I just want to say thank you.…

  • Good…

    Absolutely fine, does the job.…

    Walker Cane Holder
    by Robert Gardiner
  • I’m 37 with primary progressive……

    I’m 37 with primary progressive multiple sclerosis. I’ve been using rollator walkers for 3-4 years. They are great for indoors but lack completely when the ground is anything but smooth.

    To stay mobile, I need to walk regularly. I searched for a …

  • With a big thanks for the new found freedom...walking freely again.…

    In the city, in shops, in the garden, in the forest with the whole family... free to walk and still go out easily. The pleasure of walking in the fresh snow.

    Every week we go to bio coop and there are already a few strangers that asked us where we…

  • I bought the Walker after the Veloped…

    After careful consideration, I bought the Walker because I am no longer able to go off-road (I had the Trionic Veloped before).
    I was already familiar with the tyres.
    I have been using the Walker for several weeks now and I must say that I have bee…

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