For assistance, visit the Media Accreditation and Liaison Unit (MALU) on the 2nd floor of the Secretariat (S-250).
For photo opportunities with the Secretary-General, report to MALU 30 minutes prior to meeting (photo/video only).
Attendance at briefings is limited to accredited journalists. Information provided for planning purposes.


Media Arrangements for the High-Level Period of UNGA79 


SDG Media Zone 

SDG Lounge:




10:00 am  

Security Council Chamber 

Security Council meeting: The situation in the Middle East 

Following above 

Security Council Consultations Room 

Security Council consultations (closed)


-        Middle East (Syria)

-        Other matters 

12:00 pm 

Press Briefing Room, S-237 

Hybrid Noon Briefing by the Spokesperson for the Secretary-General 

1:00 pm  

General Assembly Hall 

Summit of the Future Action Days


Theme of Day 1: "#YouthLead for the Future: We believe in the promise of a better world for all"


High level dialogue with the Secretary-General 


Programme and Side Events 

3:00 pm  

Security Council Chamber 

Security Council meeting: The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question 

3:45 pm 

38th Floor 

Photo Opportunity: The Secretary-General with His Majesty King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan 

4:45 pm 

38th Floor 

Photo Opportunity: The Secretary-General with H.E. Mr. Allah Maye Halina, Prime Minister and Head of Government, Republic of Chad 

4:45 pm 

Conference Room 7 

Side Event: "Building Bridges through Science Diplomacy: Accelerating progress toward sustainable development" 


(organized by the Department of Global Communications Academic Impact initiative) 

5:05 pm 

38th Floor 

Photo Opportunity: The Secretary-General with H.E. Mr. Ramadhan Abdalla Mohammed Goc, Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Republic of South Sudan 



UN Journal

Schedule of meetings, documents discussed, statements, and summaries: UN JOURNAL