Joint Evaluation Reports

Joint evaluations are undertaken by UNODC with other international organizations, including United Nations Secretariat entities, on cross-cutting areas, including those that contribute to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (please see the UNODC Evaluation Policy for further details). 

Please note that these evaluations do not necessarily follow UNODC's evaluation templates, guidelines and approaches but they do meet the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) norms and standards.



Co-led by the Independent Evaluation Section (IES), UNODC

UN Countering Terrorist Travel Programme, UNOCT

Evaluation Report (joint evaluation by UNOCT and UNODC); Evaluation Brief (2-pager)


Contributions by IES, UNODC

UN Development Account, 10th Tranche Project 1617A, the Programme on Statistics and Data

Evaluation Report; Management Response



Contributions by IES, UNODC

UNAIDS: UN Joint Programme on AID's work with key populations (2018-2021)

Evaluation Report (joint evaluation by UNAIDS, WHO, UNODC and UNESCO); Management Response
