A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats

Our goal is to build a community and network that promotes, supports, and affirms People of Color in a way that helps them succeed personally and professionally.

Our network is built from within (“for us, by us”) and focuses on young people of color, professionals of color, businesses and entrepreneurs of color, because prosperity starts with opportunities to climb the economic ladder, and a prosperous BIPOC community is a good thing for ALL of Vermont!

Check Out the VT PoCket Guide

The VT PoCket Guide is a digital brochure or pocket guide. Think of it as your digital BFF, dishing out quick and easy information about activities, services and resources in Vermont while also making sure you feel right at home in our green mountains.

Launch the VT PoCket Guide if you are:

  • Curious about the Upper Valley?
  • Exploring restaurants in the NEK?
  • Interested in checking out Burlington’s music scene?
  • Visiting a ski resort in the summer?
  • Exploring anything in Vermont!
Support Our BIPOC Community!

Your contributions will help support our:

  • Programming
  • BIPOC Networking Events/Affinity Spaces
  • Trainings
  • Staff
  • Member Resources
VT PoC logo

Join Us for BIPOC Listening Sessions!

Our listening sessions will be hosted virtually and will focus on different challenges identified from the statewide BIPOC Community Survey. We welcome individuals who identify as Black, Indigenous, or a Person of Color (BIPOC), whether born inside or outside of the United States, and currently live in Vermont to join us. You will be compensated for your time!

Learn more and RSVP at the link

Thank you!