Together we are creating a greener worldMore production - more pollution

ZEOS - waste managementRecycle - reduce CO2

We collect waste electrical and electronic equipment, lamps, batteries and candles.We are also encouraging the reuse, sharing and repair of appliances.

We have prepared a calculator, where you can check how much CO2 is reduced with proper waste management.

Become a ZEOS clientCO2 calculator
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100 do-it-yourself videos on appliance repair and maintenance

Check if you handle your electrical appliances correctly.

We prepared 100 videos for you, with the help of which you can learn how to handle appliances correctly and find out how to repair a washing machine, vacuum cleaner and stick mixer etc..

Watch the 100 videos here

Zeos kalkulator
Calculator CO2

Are you interested in how good you are at waste management?

We have prepared a footprint calculator, where you can check how much CO2 is reduced with proper waste management.


Together we create a green world!

Current project