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Prince Facade is a character in The Legend of Zelda TV series. He is a knight from the land of Arcadia and appears only in the episode "The White Knight", which is named after him.[1] Although the prince is brave and strong, he is known to be vain and will not fight if it means it will ruin his image or mess up his clothes.[2] His weapon of choice seems to be a Crossbow.


Prince Facade first appears when Link is struggling to defeat an Octorok. Easily and elegantly, Prince Facade defeats the monster with his Crossbow, quickly impressing Princess Zelda and sweeping her off her feet. Zelda, fascinated by the prince, immediately forgets all about Link while the young hero, who does not like being outdone by the handsome stranger, becomes jealous.[3]Prince Facade offers Zelda a ride back to the castle as they leave Link to walk back there.[4] When they arrive back at the castle, King Harkinian and Zelda are fascinated by Facade and his tales of heroism, with the princess not caring about Link anymore and not considering him to be in the prince's class. Prince Facade even told Zelda that he has battled Ganon himself (something that Ganon himself later confirms to his minions).[5]Link, feeling left out,[6] decides to try and match Facade, and attempts to dress more like him.[7] However, when he makes his appearance in front of Zelda and the king, he embarrasses himself and causes everyone to laugh at him, promptly causing Link to storm out of the castle humiliated and angry.[8]

Meanwhile, Facade continues to impress Zelda with his stories of saving a city from monsters.[9] As they are about to kiss, Tektites arrive and attack Facade while Moblins throw Zelda out the window, where a Zola readily catches her. The Zola carries Zelda out of the castle, with Facade in pursuit, but when the Zola jumps into the water, Facade hesitates on the bank, not wanting to get his clothes wet and muddy.[10] Zelda screams at him to save her, but he refuses, saying that heroes do not get dirty.[11]Link, who was still near enough to hear Zelda's screams, rushes back to get past the prince and defeat the Zola with three Sword Beams, thus rescuing Zelda.[12]Prince Facade quickly tries to calm the angry Zelda by making up excuses,[13] but she refuses to listen and makes him fall in the mud.



  1. "I am Prince Facade from Arcadia. I have traveled the world and viewed its wonders but none have been your match in beauty." — Prince Facade (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 3)
  2. "So...Prince Facade, the sickenly handsome face of Hyrule, is he. Hmm...this could be most fortunate. I've dealt with Prince Facade before, and I know his weakness. He's brave enough, but he's vain, very vain! Proud of his looks. He'd never let himself get dirty, not even to save the princess!" — Ganon (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 3)
  3. "Uh, Link! Where are your manners? Stand up and meet Prince Facade! This is my friend, uh, well, an acquaintance--somebody I know slightly--his name's Stink." — Princess Zelda (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 3)
  4. "Oh, I'm sure you'll be fine, Link! [...] See you back at the castle, Link!" — Princess Zelda (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 3)
  5. "Well, there's Link, of course, but he's not in the prince's class. Prince Facade is wonderful." — Princess Zelda (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 3)
  6. "I swear... It's like Zelda doesn't even know I exist anymore." — Link (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 3)
  7. "No! I'll handle it myself. Did you get those clothes I wanted? [...] Zelda wants a prince, she'll get a prince." — Link (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 3)
  8. "She laughed... she laughed at me! She laughed! [...] Save your breath, Spryte! I'm gone! If Zelda wants her Triforce protected, her prince precious can do it. I just quit!." — Link (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 3)
  9. "And as the final creature vanished, I realized that I had saved the city at last!" — Prince Facade (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 3)
  10. "Oh, mud... No, I'm afraid not. I DO have a reputation to maintain." — Prince Facade (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 3)
  11. "Sorry, princess. No can do, I'm afraid. These are my hero's clothes, and heroes do not simply get dirty." — Prince Facade (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 3)
  12. "Hey, it's a dirty job, princess, but somebody's gotta do it." — Link (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 3)
  13. "Zelda, you're safe! I'm so glad, really. I would have done it myself, but you know how it is." — Prince Facade (The Legend of Zelda TV Series, Episode 3)