American Dragon Jake Long
The Dark Dragon
Character Statistics
Gender: Male
Lives In: Imprisoned in another dimension for 1000 years
Nemesis: Jake Long

Luong Lao Shi
Fu Dog
Trixie Carter
Arthur Spudinski
Haley Long
Susan Long
Jonathan Long
World Dragons
Magical Community

Production Info
Portrayed by: Clancy Brown
First Appearance: Dragon Summit
Last Appearance: The Hong Kong Longs

The Dark Dragon[1][2] is an extremely powerful Dragon who somehow became evil. He is considered the number one threat to the magical community and an enemy of non-magical people.


The origins of the Dark Dragon are unknown, but he is the first known dragon in history to ever turn evil. Being the Dark Dragon, his color is black with red eyes, although it is unclear if his appearance is his natural one or if he chose the coloration upon choosing evil. He was also usually seen in the dark and shadows. It is unclear; if Dark Dragon ever had or can; even; make a human form or; if he is draco-locked in inverse fashion to how some dragons are humanoid. Certainly, he has never been seen in human form; but; if he does have or can; make one, then he has the perfect way to "hide in plain sight" as nobody knows what he looks like.

The Dark Dragon could conjure dragon-like shadow creatures called Shade Demons or Shades to serve as his minions. The first and only dragon had faced him and lived, was Jake Long's maternal grandfather, Lao Shi; who passed it on to his grandson, Jake. The Dark Dragon's goals; included assembling an army of evil magical creatures to destroy the entire human race and take over the Earth. He felt magical creatures; particularly dragons to be superior to humans and should; instead be the dominant species on Earth, ridding the world of humans. It maybe; because he saw in himself and other dragons as powerful, as having the right to rule or perhaps he views humans as inferior, fearing they may cause the extinction of his kind; such as were the overt goals of the Huntsclan; although after the wish had destroyed the clan, he would no longer consider them. He has been willing to kill any other dragon and magical creature; who wget in his way or had failed to agree; with his beliefs.

Jake had encountered the Dark Dragon several times in his brief career to date; who he had seemed to have an interest in. During their first meeting, he had offered Jake a chance to join him.[3] In their second encounter, the Dark Dragon was defeated; by Jake and his friends[4] and was seemingly destroyed. But much later, it was finally revealed that; Chang not only meant to resurrect him; but also had helped imbue him; with several different types of dark powers. Through the use of another spell; but had delayed until; after the area had been vacated, the Dark Dragon was returned to life and brought back to power.[5]

In the finale of the Dark Dragon's schemes,[6] he had captured Lao Shi; in order to blackmail Jake; into betraying the dragons of the world; by forcing to spike their drinks with mind-controlling potion. After the ensuing battle royale, Chang and Bananas B were defeated along; with the Shade Demons; which were destroyed; by Johnathan Long. But the Dark Dragon had remained unmatched; until Rose had returned to help Jake fight him.

When the temple they were in began it's disappearance for, according to Fu; another one thousand years, everyone had vacated the area. But Rose had became trapped; within, prompting Jake to attempt a rescue. As the Dark Dragon was caught in the pulled of the closing portal, he had grabbed Rose's ankle; with the tip of his tail; before she cut it off, freeing her and Jake to; make their escape in at the last second. The Dark Dragon was pulled; into another dimension where he should be imprisoned for one thousand years.

Magical Powers[]

The Dark Dragon is extremely powerful and feared; because of that.

  • Fire Breathing: Originally normal fire breathing; but after the Dark Dragon's resurrection; his fire is dark blue, possibly; because of dark magic[citation needed].
  • Greater Physical Might: the Dark Dragon's superhuman strength is nearly unmatched; by any other dragons or magical creatures in the magical community.
  • Dark Magic: The Dark Dragon is master of the darkest aspects of magic, possessing a vast ray of magical powers.
    • Shadow Manipulation: The Dark Dragon can conjure Shadow Demons to do his bidding.
    • Energy Blasts: After the Dark Dragon's resurrection; he could sent bolts of electricity towards enemies.
    • Teleportation: The Dark Dragon can teleport himself and others from place to another.
    • Shapeshifting: Although not seen, the Dark Dragon might possess the ability to change; into human form.
    • Doppelganger: Another ability that; the Dark Dragon did not use, he might possess it.



  • The Dark Dragon blasts regular yellow-and-orange fire in the season 1; but in season 2, he blasts black fire tinted; with dark blue around the edges; which is much stronger, much more powerful and much hotter than normal fire and flames.
  • In season 1, the Dark Dragon had a similar color scheme to Maleficent in her dragon form and in season 2, his physical appearance was similar to her as well.
  • The Dark Dragon is somewhat similar to the character, Demona from Gargoyles.
    • Both are the same species as the show's main protagonist.
    • Both have a deep-seated hatred for humanity.
    • Both seek to use magic as a means for conquering the world for their own kind.
  • The Dark Dragon is also similar to the villain Chernabog.
    • Both are large, powerful, demonic beings of darkness.
    • Both have the power to summon demons to serve them as minions.
  • The Dark Dragon has some similarities to the Marvel super-villain, Magneto.
    • Both want to wipe out humanity so thatl their race can reign supreme.
  • The Dark Dragon seemed very powerful in season 1; but in season 2, he was not at his full power; until he was resurrected. But it possible that; when Chang had resurrected him, she also possible gave him more dark powers.
  • The Dark Dragon may be the reason; why the Huntsclan had formed; in the first place.


The Dark Dragon/Gallery



Main Characters
Jake Long | Rose | Luong Lao Shi | Fu Dog | Trixie Carter | Arthur Spudinski | Haley Long | Jonathan Long | Susan Long

Sun Park | Veronica | Tooth Fairy | Petite Messenger Fairy | Hobie | Silver | Dolores Derceto | Nigel Thrall

Hans Rotwood | Brad Morton | Stacey Wintergrin | Kyle Wilkins | Courtney | Tracey | Lacey | Olivia Mears | Danika Hunnicutt | Dorothy Carter | Colonel Hank Carter | Officer Morton | Jaren MacArthur | Tommy King | Shaniqua Chulavista | Thad Rochefort-Chaise | Jasma Sancere | Ron Slam | Huntsgirl 18 | Rose's Parents | Benny | Judge Glamis Cutler | Carol St. Carmine | Joshua | Trisha | Frederick Buttersleeves | Mr. Lockjelly | Marnie Lockjelly | "Jake Long Junior"

Long Family
Patchouli Long | Cathy | Gregory | Andrew | Chiu | Mai

Magical Community
Dragon Council (Councilor Andam | Councilor Kulde | Councilor Omina | Councilor Kukulkhan) | Stan Lipkowski | Jasmine | Fred Nerk | Ralph the Goblin | McBreen | Jack Frost | Clooney | Reggie the Brownie | Bertha | Sam Spark | Brocamas | The Witches of Woodstock (Monica | Annika | Bubonica) | Esmerelda | Pix McGee | Mister Krunkers

Huntsman | Huntsclan | Huntsboys | The Dark Dragon | Councilor Chang | Bananas B | Eli Excelsior Pandarus | Herbert the Goblin | Nix | Dr. Diente | Yan Yan | Ophelia Ogelvy | King Hammer | Fury | Euryale | Medusa | Pooka | Mrs. Grumplestock | Sigmund Brock | Evil Jake | Vicky Fickling | Shackles Jack | Solitary Sam | Chain Gang Chuck | Peg Leg Pat | Hook Hand Ghost | Green Ghost | Tiburón | Queen Liliana | Strigoi | Johnny Wang | Coney Island Freaks

Magical Humans
Oracle | Santa Claus | Witch | Wizard

Magical Creatures
Dragons | Unicorn | Gargoyles | Dwarves | Trolls | Cyclops | Fairies | Pixies | Elves | Leprechauns | Goblins | Centaurs | Ogres | Imp | Merfolk | Brownies | Gnomes | Tooth Minions | Kumo | Giants | Sprites | Griffins | Jersey Devil | Gremlins | Harpies | Arachne | Magical Scarab Beetle | Shade Demons | Hairball Monster | Abominable Snowman (Yeti) | Hobgoblins | Gorgon | Krylock | Octo-puss | Doppelganger | Guardian Serpent | Nymph | Kraken | Kelpie | Magical Frogs | Moss Monster | Tentacled Monster | Chimera | Blobzilla | Werewolf | Ghost | Shark People | Sea Serpent | Avemetrus | Vault Demons | Giant Insect | Giant Mosquito | Iceberg Monster | Siren
