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Författare: Jape Mokgethi-Heath

  • Jape Mokgethi-Heath

    Ecumenical Collaboration enhances capacity to challenge HIV

    “Women are strong enough to alleviate discrimination, stigma, oppression permanently. They just needed to be empowered and educated on their rights.” “Jesus revolutionized the role of women even during a time of acute patriarchy. It is refreshing to know that He is on the side of suffering women all along.” (Participants in the San Pablo…

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  • Jape Mokgethi-Heath

    Dignity, Freedom , and Grace

    HIV has ravaged the world and eroded the life from some 78 million people who have been infected by HIV since 1981. Of these almost 40 million have died. This seems a very grim picture, particularly at a time when interest in HIV seems to be waning fast. Currently we know that there are at…

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  • Jape Mokgethi-Heath

    World AIDS Day 2015

    Today is World AIDS day, the 15th one since I first tested HIV+, the 15th since I was initiated onto treatment. I was working in a parish in Johannesburg. There was no treatment available to the general public in South Africa at the time. When I tested HIV+ I was also diagnosed with AIDS, and…

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  • Jape Mokgethi-Heath

    Synod on the Family – should we care?

    In a day an age when there are conflicting views on what human rights is, the way in which the faith community responds to these issues is critical. The reality of course is that the faith community is just that, a wide community of different faiths and within each of those faiths different expressions and…

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  • Jape Mokgethi-Heath

    Human Dignity and Human Sexuality

    The first Uppsala Festival of Theology was held in 2008. It focused on the theme Streams of Living water. This year we held the fourth Uppsala festival of Theology under the theme Behold, I make all things new. Not everything was new, the concept of different streams continued to guide the development of the program,…

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  • Jape Mokgethi-Heath

    What do you want me to do for you?

              It was Friday morning, the last day of the International AIDS Conference in Melbourne, Australia. Having attended the opening plenary, I had arranged to meet someone in the PLHIV (People living with HIV) lounge. And just there, waiting for my colleague, I had the chance encounter which helped me crystalize…

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  • Jape Mokgethi-Heath

    It is foolish to reduce the heat before the water boils (Nelson Mandela)

    The International AIDS Conference comes around every two years.This time it is in Melbourne, Australia. As with every conference there will be many things which are the same or similar to previous conferences, but there are always distinct differences as well. Melbourne is already making its mark, and this mark started before this conference already…

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  • Jape Mokgethi-Heath

    I am gay; I hate myself

    The 12th of May is a day thatwill stand out in the memories of some working at the Church of Sweden for a longtime. RFSL (National Association for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and queeras rights) runs ”Rainbow Leadership”, a global program for sustainable LGBTI (Lesbian, Gay Bisexual, Transgender / sexual and Intersex) Leadership. Twenty Five…

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  • Why Thursdays in Black?
    Jape Mokgethi-Heath

    Why Thursdays in Black?

    This morning sitting in the chapel in Church House in Uppsala where a number of people were wearing black, and pinned to their clothing as a badge reading “Thursdays in Black…  Towards a world without rape and violence.”  When I posted the photo on my facebook page I immediately got a comment back from a…

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  • Jape Mokgethi-Heath

    To Fund or not to Fund, that is the question

    Uganda has been much in the public eye recently. This comes as no surprise to those of us who for some time have watched the way the Government of Uganda has been responding to challenges to its authority. December 2012 was a catastrophe for the Government of Uganda. Donors suspended $300 Million in aid to…

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