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Lady Lostris Lady Lostris 14 days ago

Technical Updates: September 6, 2024

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Lady Lostris Lady Lostris 28 days ago

Technical Updates: August 23, 2024

Eyo! Another two weeks have gone, another technical update blog gets published, the last one of August already! For those new to the series, that's how it goes: every two weeks we'll post a technical update blog in which we'll share some of the changes that users may see affecting the platform, som…

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Lady Lostris Lady Lostris 9 August

Technical Updates: August 9, 2024

Hiya, lovely people! In this first of two blogs of August, spaced two weeks apart, I'll walk you through some of the more public-facing bug fixes, platform changes, and experiments that may be ongoing or will be upcoming. The comment section is also an excellent opportunity to ask questions or rais…

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Lady Lostris Lady Lostris 26 July

Technical Updates: July 26, 2024

Hey hey, we're halfway through the Summer months already, and the last week of July also brings the second Technical Updates blog of July. With this blog series we aim to inform you about some of the bugs that have been fixed the past 2 weeks, experiments we are running or are about to run, and oth…

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Lady Lostris Lady Lostris 13 July

Technical Updates: July 12, 2024

Eyo, my lovely people. Time keeps flying by. Feels like yesterday that I posted the last tech blog for June, and now we're already 2 weeks further, so I'm here with the first tech blog of July! As you know, we use these technical update posts to keep you all in the loop of what's happening on the …

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Lady Lostris Lady Lostris 28 June

Technical Updates: June 28, 2024

Hello, hello, hello, and welcome to our second technical update blog for June! For the returning readers, feel free to skip the intro as you know what I'll be saying. For the new readers though, glad to have you join us for our bi-weekly (every two weeks for clarity) tech blog in which I'll be sha…

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Lady Lostris Lady Lostris 14 June

Technical Updates: June 14, 2024

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Lady Lostris Lady Lostris 31 May

Technical Updates: May 31, 2024

Eyo, my lovelies! Another two weeks, another tech blog giving you some insights on a selection of the bugs that got fixed, experiments that are running or upcoming, and other notable tech updates.

This blog may feel a bit on the lighter side than usual, which is partially to be explained by lots of …

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Lady Lostris Lady Lostris 17 May

Technical Updates: May 17, 2024

Eyo, lovely people! A new two weeks have passed since the May 3rd Technical Update blog. If you've been following our technical staff blogs, you know that this means we will be going over some of what's happened the past 2 weeks in terms of fixes, things being worked on, potential experiments, and…

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TimmyQuivy TimmyQuivy 31 May

Technical Updates: May 3, 2024

Hello! It's been a fortnight since the last Technical Updates, which if you follow our blog you know all too well what this means: It's time to walk you through the labyrinth of bug fixes and technical changes to the platform in the last two weeks.

Now, our Technical Update is a bit emptier than nor…

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