Freelance translators

The translation service

The institution’s legal translation service, with over 600 lawyer linguists, is responsible for translating the legal documents of the Court of Justice of the European Union. It ensures the smooth and efficient running of the Court’s judicial proceedings and the multilingual dissemination of the Court’s decisions, thus giving all EU citizens access to justice and case-law at a European level, whatever their language.

The service translates a wide variety of legal texts which vary according to a range of factors: nature of the case, subject area, document type (procedural documents, opinions of Advocates General, judgments, orders), language, style, length, legal background of the author, etc.

Working for the Court

Around one third of texts are translated by external collaborators (freelance translators). These can be natural or legal persons with which the institution enters into a contract, on the basis of strict confidentiality rules, and with which it maintains close working relations. Translations are expected to be of very high quality and freelancers receive appropriate support and assistance from the Court’s translation service in order to achieve this objective.

Flexible working arrangements

Freelance translators are free to choose where they work from since communication takes place remotely (through use of telephone, email and various internet platforms). In addition, freelancers can choose the amount of translation work they accept, in accordance with various deadlines, and therefore this form of collaboration can be carried out as a complementary activity, particularly by legal professionals.

Selection procedure

Freelance translators are selected by means of contract notices published in the Official Journal of the European Union. These contract notices, which cover a large number of language combinations, are permanent and remain open in order to allow new contractors to participate at any time. The persons selected on the basis of translation tests (which are completed at a distance) sign a framework contract with the Court.

Open market and permanent competition

Contractors are placed on a list where the classification depends both on the quality of the translation work, as assessed during the tests, and the competitiveness of the contractor’s asking rate. Contractors are regularly offered translation work on the basis of this classification, which is periodically reviewed according to the quality of the services provided, thus allowing new tenders to be taken into account.

The legal translation procurement procedure is open to competition on a permanent basis throughout its duration (48 months maximum), on the condition however that the maximum number of contractors for the lot concerned has not been reached (please see the relevant contract notice to find out the maximum number of contractors authorised for a given lot). Subject to that reservation, any natural or legal person may thus make a request to participate in an ongoing procurement procedure, since the Court regularly evaluates new requests to participate which it has received.


Requests for information/to participate can be sent to: E-mail

Practical information

Any suitably qualified person who would like to work as a freelance translator for the language combinations indicated in the contract notice may submit a request to participate.

The contract notices, which alone are authentic, are accessible below:


Contract notices 2023


Target language Description Contract notice
GA Tabhairt i gcrích creatchonarthaí le haghaidh téacsanna dlí i dteangacha oifigiúla áirithe den Aontas Eorpach a aistriú go Gaeilge 2023/S 031-089998


This procurement procedure comprises two stages:

  • First stage: verification of the exclusion and selection criteria so as to select the candidates who will be invited to submit a tender
    If you are interested in this call for tenders, you are invited, initially, to submit a request to participate.
  • Second stage: award of framework contracts on the basis of the evaluation of the tenders received from the candidates invited to submit such a tender
    Next, during the second stage only the candidates selected during the first stage will be invited to submit a tender. Any tenders received from natural or legal persons not invited to submit a tender will be rejected.


The necessary documents, which include all the information relevant to each stage, are accessible below:


1- Documents required to make a request to participate (selection stage):

  • Contract notice to which the request to participate relates (see links above to the contract notice for the relevant target language)
  • Letter of invitation to participate PDF pdf icon 
  • Compulsory registration form Word word-icon  PDF pdf icon  
  • Declaration on honour concerning the exclusion and selection criteria Word word-icon  PDF pdf icon 


Candidates are requested to fill out their request to participate in the target language of the contract notice.

Signed requests to participate are to be sent by e-mail (registration form (in the target language) signed, scanned and attached to the email) or by letter (registration form (in the target language) signed). Links to online storage spaces shall not be accepted.

The deadline for receiving requests to participate is stated in point IV.2.2) of the contract notice. However, the call for tenders is permanent and the legal translation framework contracts remain open in order to allow new contractors to participate at any time. Requests to participate submitted after the specified deadline will thus be able to be evaluated, on the condition that the maximum number of contractors for the lot (language combination) has not been reached.


2- Relevant documents if selected and invited to submit a tender (award stage)

  • Contract notice to which the request to participate relates (see links above to the contract notice for the relevant target language)
  • Tender specifications EN / FR  word-icon - EN / FR  pdf icon
  • Model framework contract EN / FR  word-icon - EN / FR  pdf icon


Contract notices 2021


Target language Description Contract notice
EN Conclusion of framework contracts for the translation of legal texts from certain official languages of the European Union into English 2021/S 101-265564
BG Сключване на рамкови договори за превод на юридически текстове от някои официални езици на Европейския съюз на български

2021/S 101-265571

2021/S 115-301079

ES Celebración de contratos marco para la traducción al español de textos jurídicos a partir de determinadas lenguas oficiales de la Unión Europea 2021/S 101-265567
CS Uzavření rámcových smluv na překlad právních textů z některých úředních jazyků Evropské unie do českého jazyka 2021/S 101-265573
DA Indgåelse af flere rammeaftaler vedrørende oversættelse af juridiske tekster fra bestemte af Den Europæiske Unions officielle sprog til dansk 2021/S 101-265583
DE Abschluss von Rahmenverträgen für die Übersetzung juristischer Texte aus bestimmten Amtssprachen der Europäischen Union ins Deutsche 2021/S 101-265572
ET Raamlepingud juriidiliste tekstide tõlkimiseks Euroopa Liidu teatud ametlikest keeltest eesti keelde 2021/S 101-265569
EL Σύναψη συμβάσεων-πλαισίων για τη μετάφραση νομικών κειμένων από ορισμένες επίσημες γλώσσες της Ευρωπαϊκής Ενώσεως προς τα ελληνικά 2021/S 101-265585
FR Conclusion de contrats-cadres pour la traduction de textes juridiques de certaines langues officielles de l'Union européenne vers le français 2021/S 101-265565
HR Sklapanje okvirnih ugovora za prijevod pravnih tekstova s određenih službenih jezika Europske unije na hrvatski 2021/S 101-265575
IT Conclusione di contratti-quadro per la traduzione di testi giuridici da determinate lingue ufficiali dell'Unione europea in italiano 2021/S 101-265574
LV Pamatlīgumu par juridisku tekstu tulkošanu no noteiktām Eiropas Savienības oficiālajām valodām uz latviešu valodu noslēgšana

2021/S 101-265582

2021/S 105-275223

LT Bendrųjų sutarčių sudarymas dėl teisinių tekstų vertimų raštu iš kai kurių Europos Sąjungos oficialiųjų kalbų į lietuvių kalbą 2021/S 101-265570
HU Jogi szövegeknek az Európai Unió egyes hivatalos nyelveiről magyar nyelvre történő fordítására irányuló keretszerződések megkötése 2021/S 101-265579
MT Konklużjoni ta' kuntratti qafas għat-traduzzjoni ta' testi ġuridiċi minn ċerti lingwi uffiċjali tal-Unjoni Ewropea lejn il-Malti 2021/S 101-265581
NL Sluiten van raamcontracten voor de vertaling van juridische teksten vanuit een aantal officiële talen van de Europese Unie naar het Nederlands 2021/S 101-265578
PL Zawarcie umów ramowych o tłumaczenie tekstów prawniczych z niektórych języków urzędowych Unii Europejskiej na język polski 2021/S 101-265568
PT Celebração de contratos-quadro para a tradução de textos jurídicos a partir de certas línguas oficiais da União Europeia para português 2021/S 101-265586
RO Încheierea de contracte-cadru pentru traducerea unor texte juridice din anumite limbi oficiale ale Uniunii Europene în limba română 2021/S 101-265584
SK Uzavretie rámcových zmlúv na preklad právnych textov z niektorých úradných jazykov Európskej únie do slovenského jazyka 2021/S 101-265577
SL Sklenitev okvirnih pogodb za prevajanje pravnih besedil iz nekaterih uradnih jezikov Evropske unije v slovenščino 2021/S 101-265576
FI Puitesopimusten tekeminen oikeudellisten tekstien kääntämisestä tietyistä Euroopan unionin virallisista kielistä suomeen 2021/S 101-265566
SV Ramkontrakt för översättning av juridiska texter från vissa av Europeiska unionens officiella språk till svenska 2021/S 101-265580


This procurement procedure comprises two stages:

  • First stage: verification of the exclusion and selection criteria so as to select the candidates who will be invited to submit a tender
    If you are interested in this call for tenders, you are invited, initially, to submit a request to participate.
  • Second stage: award of framework contracts on the basis of the evaluation of the tenders received from the candidates invited to submit such a tender
    Next, during the second stage only the candidates selected during the first stage will be invited to submit a tender. Any tenders received from natural or legal persons not invited to submit a tender will be rejected.


The necessary documents, which include all the information relevant to each stage, are accessible below:


1- Documents required to make a request to participate (selection stage):

  • Contract notice to which the request to participate relates (see links above to the contract notice for the relevant target language)
  • Letter of invitation to participate PDF pdf icon
  • Compulsory registration form Word word-iconPDF pdf icon
  • Declaration on honour concerning the exclusion and selection criteria Word word-iconPDF pdf icon


Candidates are requested to fill out their request to participate in the target language of the contract notice.

Signed requests to participate are to be sent by e-mail (registration form (in the target language) signed, scanned and attached to the email) or by letter (registration form (in the target language) signed). Links to online storage spaces shall not be accepted.

The deadline for receiving requests to participate is stated in point IV.2.2) of the contract notice. However, the call for tenders is permanent and the legal translation framework contracts remain open in order to allow new contractors to participate at any time. Requests to participate submitted after the specified deadline will thus be able to be evaluated, on the condition that the maximum number of contractors for the lot (language combination) has not been reached.


2- Relevant documents if selected and invited to submit a tender (award stage)

  • Contract notice to which the request to participate relates (see links above to the contract notice for the relevant target language)
  • Tender specifications EN / FR word-icon - EN / FR pdf icon
  • Model framework contract EN / FR word-icon - EN / FR pdf icon