Serving documents


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NB! Council Regulation (EC) No 1393/2007 has been replaced by Regulation (EU) 2020/1784 of the European Parliament and of the Council as of 1 July 2022.

Notifications made under the new Regulation can be found here!

Article 2(1) – Transmitting agencies

The transmitting agency for the service of writs and summonses abroad is the court before which the case is pending.

The transmitting agency for the service of extrajudicial documents abroad is the district court (rayonen sad) with jurisdiction over the current or permanent address, or registered office, of the person or entity requesting service; and for documents certified by a notary, it is the district court (rayonen sad) with jurisdiction over the district in which the notary practises.

Article 2(2) – Receiving agencies

The receiving agency in the case of the Republic of Bulgaria is the district court (rayonen sad) in whose jurisdiction the documents are to be served.

Click on the below link to view all competent authorities related to this Article.
List of competent authorities

Article 2(4)(c) – Means of receipt of documents

The district courts accept the delivery by post of requests for service and the attached documents to be served.

Article 2(4)(d) – Languages that may be used for the completion of the standard form set out in Annex I

The district courts accept standard forms completed in Bulgarian, English or French.

Article 3 – Central body

The central authority is the Ministry of Justice

International Legal Cooperation and European Affairs Directorate

Tel.: +359 2 9237 413

+359 2 9237 544

+359 2 9237 576

Fax: +3592 9809223


1, Ulitsa Slavyanska

PO Box 1040, Sofia

Article 4 – Transmission of documents

The standard application form for transmission of documents can be completed in Bulgarian, English or French.

Articles 8(3) and 9(2) – Particular periods set by national law for serving documents

Bulgarian legislation does not specify a time limit for the service of documents.

Article 10 – Certificate of service and copy of the document served

The Republic of Bulgaria allows the certificate of service and a copy of the document served to be drawn up in Bulgarian, English or French.

Article 11 – Costs of service

Bulgarian legislation does not stipulate a fee for the service of documents in the normal way. A fee fixed in accordance with the Schedule of Fees and Costs under the Private Bailiffs Act is charged for the service of documents by a particular method.

Article 13 – Service by diplomatic or consular agents

In accordance with Article 13(2), the Republic of Bulgaria states that it permits the service of documents under Article 13(1) to be carried out in its territory only if the addressee is a national of the Member State in which the document originates (Article 608 of the Code of Civil Procedure).

Article 15 – Direct service

Direct service under Article 15 is not permitted under Bulgarian legislation (Article 613 of the Code of Civil Procedure).

Article 19 – Defendant not entering an appearance

The Republic of Bulgaria hereby states that it will not make use of the possibility provided for under Article 19(2).

An application under Article 19(4) may be filed within one year of judgment being handed down by the court.

Article 20 – Agreements or arrangements to which Member States are parties and which comply with the conditions in Article 20(2)

The Republic of Bulgaria does not maintain and has not concluded any agreements, compatible with the Regulation, to additionally expedite or simplify the transmission of documents.

Last update: 13/07/2022

The national language version of this page is maintained by the respective Member State. The translations have been done by the European Commission service. Possible changes introduced in the original by the competent national authority may not be yet reflected in the translations. The European Commission accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to any information or data contained or referred to in this document. Please refer to the legal notice to see copyright rules for the Member State responsible for this page.

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