Events 2018

Ada Lovelace Day Live! 2018

This year’s Ada Lovelace Day Live!, our annual ‘science cabaret’ in celebration of women in STEM, will be held at The IET on the evening of Tuesday 9 October. Playing host to the UK’s most fabulous women in STEM, ALD Live is an entertaining evening of geekery, comedy and music suitable for everyone over the age of 12. Our featured speakers this year are:

  • Chanuki SeresinheProf Sunetra Gupta, epidemiologist
  • Chanuki Seresinhe, computer scientist (right)
  • Dr Susie Maidment, palaeontologist
  • Dr Hilary Costello, engineer
  • Prof Emma McCoy, mathematician
  • Dr Diva Amon, marine scientist
  • Natasha Simons, science demo builder
  • Helen Arney, compère

Find out more about our speakers and book tickets on our ALD Live! event page. And if you’d like a taster, our videos from 2017 are available on YouTube, where you can also take a look at talks from 201620152014 and 2013 

Worldwide events

Every year, people around the world organise their own events. You can find out if there’s anything on near you via our Worldwide Events page, and if you’re organising your own event, please create an account and add your event to our map. After the event, you can also upload an video, photos, or other event materials to our Figshare media hub.

If you want a bit of help organising your event, download our handy organisers’ pack for inspiration, advice and resources. The pack is now available in four languages:

You can also chat to other organisers about what they are doing on our community forum, and join our low-volume event organisers’ mailing list.

To stay up-to-date with all our ALD Live! and indie event news, sign up to our newsletterfollow us on Twitter, or !