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Email Marketing
Email Marketing

Email Marketing

Digital Advertising

Use email to communicate directly with our international subscribers in science and healthcare — promoting your brands, products, events, white papers, and more.

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Scientific email marketing solutions

Email is a powerful yet cost-effective marketing channel, with professionals checking their inboxes 15 times a day. Our email marketing solutions enable you to target influential scientists in your field, while aligning your brand with our journals — generating immediate leads for your product or service and measurable feedback.

1) Third-party email

460,000+ subscribers

Send a dedicated, solus email with a strong call to action to our scientific and healthcare audiences. Looking to generate sales leads? Direct users to contact forms or gated content on your platforms. Our third-party email recipients have registered to receive emails from trusted third-party vendors — they are eager to keep up with the latest products, technologies, and promotional opportunities.

How it works:

  1. Work with us to refine your targeting (for example, your scientific/medical fields and geographical location) and receive a count size.
  2. Supply your HTML email, subject line, and send date, following our HTML specifications and email top tips.
  3. After your email is deployed, you’ll receive a performance report measuring the success of your campaign.

2) Journal e-alert advertising

4000+ ealerts | 4.4+ million subscribers

Get your message in front of targeted scientific and healthcare audiences by advertising in our journal email alerts — leveraging a highly engaged channel that users rely on to keep up-to-date in their field.

How it works:

  1. Work with us to refine your targeting of scientific/medical fields or specific journal e-alerts.
  2. Supply your ads, following our ad specs. Provide banner/image ads — powerful visuals showcasing your messaging — or native text and logo ads, which blend seamlessly with e-alert content.
  3. Choose your ad placement: opt for header slots, greeting readers as they open their e-alert, or content slots, engaging readers as they dive deeper into their e-alert.
  4. After the e-alerts are deployed, you’ll receive a performance report with your ad results.

Reach your desired audience

Our email subscribers include:

 Get in touch today to discuss email targeting, count sizes, and pricing >>