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Reborn Wiki

Mukuro Rokudo is a powerful illusionist and an antagonistic force to many of all dispositions in the Katekyo Hitman Reborn! series. A wanted criminal, he is sought for his crimes against the Estraneo Famiglia and other several Mafia Families. Having the power to possess others, Mukuro had escaped prison and first appears in the Kokuyo Arc of the manga and anime adaption of the series. Bringing the Kokuyo Junior High Gang with him, Mukuro targeted who was to be the next boss of the Vongola Famiglia, namely Tsunayoshi Sawada under the training of Reborn.

A Trident weapon Mukuro uses is all the more damaging in that it can lead to possession of the target he patiently attempts to stab. The Six Paths of Reincarnation afford him a range of powers in a battle, not just illusionary ones. The danger of Mukuro also lies in his friendly demeanour during his initial interactions, where he does come across as charismatic to others. The devotion for him affords Mukuro a backing to assist in his goals. His intelligence is another asset, and collectively it took little effort for Mukuro to be one of the few who could defeat Kyoya Hibari, with ease as well.

After his defeat, Mukuro was nominated and accepted as the tenth generation Mist Guardian of Tsuna's Vongola Famiglia. While physically contained in Vindice Prison, he communicates through his vessel, Chrome Dokuro with the outside world until he is released. Able to manifest in Chrome's body, Mukuro can assist when necessary where despite his nature and unwavering goals, Mukuro is able to deliver for Tsuna and his team's side. By the time of the future, Mukuro operates as a one-person agent where he takes assiduous measures to snare Byakuran. At some point he had taken on an apprentice, Fran.


Child Mukuro 2

Mukuro as a child.

He is a fairly tall teenager with a slender build. Notably, Mukuro's hair color is blue where perhaps due to the sheen or the way light affects it, there are lighter sections on each upper side of his hair. Mukuro's hair length itself is somewhat long where it is parted in the middle. Accordingly Mukuro's bangs are on either side of his eyes, where because of the centre-parting his forehead is visible. For the length particularly on the sides of his head, Mukuro still has his ears visible.

From the front to the back of his head, Mukuro's hairline appears as a distinguished zig-zag pattern which ends with a raised section of hair that appears ruffled in style. It may be this section in particular that causes others to comment in a matter-of-fact way that Mukuro has pineapple-shaped hair. If the pineapple fruit itself brings to mind Mukuro's head, then the leafy crown may resemble the only tousled or intentionally messy style of hair atop his head where it otherwise appears well-maintained.

4th Path2

Kanji in his right red eye when powers are initiated

As an effect of the Six Paths of Reincarnation, he has heterochromatic eyes. His left eye is blue, and his right eye is red. Even more strikingly, for Mukuro's right red eye that has the kanji for six (, roku?) in the middle. When his powers are being used there can be further kanji numerics displayed. He wears small earrings although these are not shown in the anime adaptation.

For clothing, Mukuro's most prominent outfit is the standard Kokuyo school uniform. For the green jacket that has a raised collar and maroon interior, Mukuro has the buttons undone. Underneath, he wears a short-sleeved pale blue shirt with a misty design. Streaks of blue and green are featured horizontally across this shirt. His pants are the same green as his jacket. The black belt Mukuro has around his waist has a silver rectangular clasp. On certain occasions, Mukuro wears black gloves.

Future Mukoro's Reappearence

His future appearance

Ten years in the future, Mukuro has become even taller. His hairstyle as it has since he was a child is in the same style, however at that point he has a particularly long section of it tied back into a thin ponytail. A similar attire has been maintained. He wears a black jacket of which the raised collar has a green arrow design that appears to match the perhaps hardened fabric connected on the shoulders. Furthermore, Mukuro wears a white undershirt which again is collared, of which the top buttons are undone.

A black necktie is worn on occasion. Additionally Mukuro wears pants with two white belts, and black boots. The boots reach up to his thighs. During the events of the Inheritance Ceremony Arc and The Curse of the Rainbow Arc, Mukuro wears his former t-shirt, a jacket similar to the one he wore during the Mist Ring Battle, a pair of pants and long black boots.

Mukuro 3

Affected by his powers

When his powers are being activated, this can alter his appearance. Maybe related to his two different eyes, a distinct pattern can appear on either side of Mukuro's face. On one side there can be a relatively straight series of lines running vertically down his face from underneath his eye, across his neck, to the area adjacent to his shoulder. Starting from his head to almost fully cover the other side of him, there is essentially a blotch of what appears a horribly bruised appearance to Mukuro where his skin is purple as if there were blood poisoning present. Such traits, in particular the lines, appear to a lesser although still notable extent on those Mukuro is possessing. After being forced to possess the Gufo di Pioggia, the Box Weapon's right eye is similar to his, and a zig-zag pattern with pineapple-like spikes identical to his own are on top of its head.


In contrast to his playful smile and apparent interest in people, Mukuro is apathetic to the suffering of others. If he can possess them, Mukuro regards the life as his to do as he pleases. Caring little for others, Mukuro considers people to be "toys" or "tools" he can sacrifice in order to get what he wants. Mukuro is not averse to disposing of those who get in his way, although will usually have others do it on his behalf. This was apparent in Mukuro having Lancia attack others. Additionally for all his power, Mukuro sends underlings such as the Kokuyo Junior High Gang assail others without himself taking part. Although he has chances, Mukuro does not always readily murder others himself, neither Hibari whose bones he broke, or Tsuna's comrades where there was an inclination to draw out the process of overcoming his foes.

Along with Ken and Chikusa, he bears a great hatred for the entire Mafia, most likely due in part to the experimentations they suffered as children. He desires to destroy the Mafia in its entirety, regardless that there are different organizations whose members can be dramatically different depending on the group. It is probable Mukuro does not care to distinguish between them, rather sees the mafia as a collective organization to wipe out.

From a young age, Mukuro was never easily intimidated, although he will take preliminary measures to ensure his victory at a suitable time. Surrounded by adults who were experimenting on himself and others, Mukuro had them all killed at once. In being found by Hibari in a room he awaited, Mukuro had brought in the blossoms he was weak to in a successful preparatory exercise to guarantee his victory before any battle commenced. Such measures are not taken out of wariness, Mukuro is more than capable of prevailing in a battle through physical means or manifested powers, he may seem to just prefer a slow approach to his victories in some cases. He embraces the darker aspect of humanity, liking the act of killing, bullying, and treachery. In keeping with that, he also wants to invoke world suffering by starting a world war, claiming to want to cleanse the world with darkness because he sees the current world as worthless. Openly admitting not being a good person, Mukuro dislikes it when he was mistaken as one.

A demeanor of calm intelligence is a trait of Mukuro's. Usually speaking to others in a very direct manner, it can come across as arrogant although appears to come from Mukuro's keenness to explain a situation. He certainly did not shy away from detailing his many powers being utilized. According to Ken, when they were children, Mukuro was quiet and the type who never stood out where neither Ken nor Chikusa ever spoke to him until Mukuro annihilated their entire Family. Certainly having maintained a calm approach, since then Mukuro has become more talkative even in situations where he is outnumbered.

Mukuro & Nagi

Showing concern for Chrome's condition

Despite his ruthlessness, Mukuro is capable of sympathizing with those who have shared the same suffering as him.[2] This is shown in how he is considerate towards his subordinates, particularly Ken, Chikusa, and Chrome Dokuro. When Chikusa returned injured, while there was little sympathy, Mukuro showed some concern in ordering Ken to not trouble him further. He protects them and even sacrifices himself for them when necessary. However, he does not directly do so in front of them and declines to admit it openly. In this Mukuro seems to hide what he truly feels about them from everybody. This isn't the case with Chrome, where he will be clear when he is defending her.

Even after becoming the Mist Guardian, Mukuro still claims to no longer be part of the Mafia, having been exiled from it and preferring to keep that arrangement. He continues to view the organization with great contempt, though Mukuro now prefers to avoid any involvement with them where its destruction was sought before, but claims that his goal hasn't changed. Despite distancing himself from them, Mukuro is also quite knowledgeable of the Mafia's dark secrets, including the secret behind the Arcobaleno. Whether through exercising discretion or keeping matters to himself, Mukuro does not readily divulge sensitive information.

Mukuro is not without humorous side, however, he is particularly very sensitive when it comes about his hairstyle. This is especially whenever his or Chrome's hair is compared to a pineapple which will prompt an immediate and comical punishment to the offender. While is it harmless to him, Mukuro also uses his trident in getting his disfavor across as when he assails Fran's hat.

Powers and abilities

6th Path

Six Paths of Reincarnation.

Known as someone who has driven both the Mafia and police into the most dangerous and desperate of situations, Mukuro is a formidable and deadly adversary to many capable forces. Far from a young novice practitioner of an extraordinary craft, Mukuro is a master of illusions. It is to the point where Mukuro can best the Arcobaleno, Viper, in a battle of their use. He is one of the three illusionists who can trick the Vindice, along with his apprentice Fran and a third unknown illusionist. Not easily deceived by illusions that are cast by others, Mukuro possesses a highly perceptive mind enough to dispel other illusions cast by illusionists. He expertise in illusions can allow him to create real attacks concealed within fake ones.

Within the illusions hide real illusions... from the real illusions, the illusions are created. Within the truth hides the lie... within the lie hides the truth. That is the Mist.

Access to intricate powers that he knows how to use

Despite being a powerful illusionist, in Haru Haru Interview it was discovered that he had no clue that he could simply change whatever he was wearing using his illusions.

Hardly a slouch in physical combat, Mukuro is also skilled in melee weapons notably with his Trident. By its very nature this long physical weapon is handy for keeping enemies at a distance for Mukuro to strike at, although often he will engage foes in close quarters because his capabilities allow him to do so. The remarkable extent of Mukuro's physical prowess is clear when he is able to stand on equal terms against Kyoya Hibari, in addition to extremely powerful foes such as Byakuran, then Tsuna in his dying will states, and Demon Spade.


  • Six Paths of Reincarnation: Mukuro is able to use six powerful unique skills. When using these skills, the numeral kanji corresponding to the realm he has entered appears on his right eye.
  1. The Realm of Hell: Real illusions can manifest in the world.
  2. The Realm of Hungry Ghosts: The abilities of others are able to be used by him, which is seemingly linked to Mukuro possessing them.
  3. The Realm of Beasts: Wild animals can be physically summoned and controlled by him.
  4. The Realm of Demons: His already proficient combat abilities can be enhanced by this.
  5. The Realm of Humans: A battle effectiveness similar to a dying will state can be induced.
  6. The Realm of Heavens: This power allows Mukuro to control the minds of others.
  • Genjū Gagaia: Mukuro uses the glove invented by Verde that able to turn illusions into reality to create man-eating crows that consume the opponent.
  • Genjū Mugaia: Able to combine his illusion with Chrome's illusion this joint effort can create a much more powerful version of Genju Gagaia.


OOG Mukuro

Mukuro's Trident.

  • Trident: Mukuro uses his Trident to create a "pact" between whomever he wished to use the Second Realm on when he was under the influence of the Possession Shot. When the weapon was broken, it was replaced with a regular one. However, Glo Xinia remembers a moment when Mukuro stabbed his Gufo di Pioggia in the wing, giving him the Ability to possess it, meaning he has that possessing Trident somehow, or knows how to make one.
  • Possession Bullet: When shot with this bullet, Mukuro is able to possess and control the body of anyone that he has cut with his Trident. He can possess several bodies simultaneously and is still able to access the Six Realms, granting him the ability to use a different skill for each body. While possessing a person, Mukuro can also use the possessed person's abilities.
Mukuro Rings

Able to use multiple rings

  • Mist Vongola Ring: Of the seven Vongola rings, Mukuro won this specific one during the Mist Ring Battle. As part of the Tri-ni-sette it is classified as S-rank. Mukuro shares the Ring with Chrome, with Chrome usually wearing it.
  • Malocchio Hell Ring: He uses the Hell Ring to generate a blast of Mist Flames in the form of eyes and tentacles which then plough into an opponent.
  • Vine-covered Hell Ring: A Hell Ring with unknown effects.
  • Gufo di Nebbia ver. Vongola: Mukuro's Vongola Box Weapon after receiving it from Chrome during the final battle in the Future arc.
  • Earring of the Mist Version X: Mukuro received this earring by upgrading the Mist Ore Vongola Gear. In Cambio Forma, Mukuro merges directly with the owl Mukurou, changing his Trident into a khakkhara that enables him to use all of his Six Paths of Reincarnations at once.
  • Reality Illusion Gloves: Invented by Verde, it enables Mukuro to turn his illusions into reality.


On a 2016 questionnaire, 500 Weekly Shōnen Jump readers (split evenly between men and women) ranked who is "the sexiest villain character (male)." Mukuro placed 7th.[3][4] On a 2019 questionnaire, 2303 Weekly Shōnen Jump readers were ranked which character has the most manly sex appeal. Mukuro placed 29th out of 55.[5] On a 2020 questionnaire, 3197 pollsters ranked the most "Beautiful male character in Jump history." Mukuro placed 40th out of 59.[6]

Appearances in other Media

Together with Chrome, he is one of the only three characters to have a story mode in Katekyō Hitman Reborn! Kindan no Yami no Delta. The other two are Tsuna and Xanxus.

Character songs


  • Mukuro (?) means "skeleton, body, corpse". Rokudo contains the characters "" (roku?, six) and "" (do?, path), aptly named for his ability.
  • A common shorthand of his name is "69". In Japanese, the number "6" is roku (?) while the number "9" can also be pronounced as ku (?).


  • In the manga, Mukuro had stated that he had 6 past lives, while in the anime series he said his body went through all 6 paths to Hades instead.
  • In Haru's Haru Haru Interview: Dangerous, he stated that he likes Japanese school uniforms and wearing costumes. Despite that Mukuro refused to wear the costumes that Haru made, knowing how embarrassing it will be. However, in Everyone's Ordinary Daily Life, it turns out that his sense of costume enjoyment was not far different from Haru, much to the embarrassment of Ken, M.M, and Fran who are forced to wear them.
  • When it comes to eating, his favorite food is chocolate, and he hates spicy foods.
  • According to Ken, Mukuro is very strict when it comes to sweets, but is quite careless when it comes to other foods.
  • Mukuro's favorite colors are black and purple.
  • His hobby is taking a stroll through his illusions.
  • Mukuro has stated in Mr. Rebokku no Ciao Ciao Interview that his favorite word is 'Reincarnation', while in Vongola 77 his favorite word is 'Invincible'.
  • In Mr. Rebokku no Ciao Ciao Interview he said that the amount of fu's in his signature laugh depends on his mood. If Mukuro is in a good mood, the amount of fu's in his laugh will increase.
  • He is the only 10th Generation Vongola Family member who does not have any tutor throughout the series.


  1. Amano, Akira. Katekyō Hitman Reborn! Vongola 77. Tokyo: Shueisha. 2007. Print. p. 118
  2. Amano, Akira. Katekyō Hitman Reborn! Vongola 77. Tokyo: Shueisha. 2007. Print. p. 119
  3. Eric Stimson (2016-05-15). Japanese Readers Choose Sexiest Shonen Jump Villains (Article). AnimeNewsNetwork.
  4. 少年ジャンプ史上最もセクシーな悪役ランキング 1位から10位 (Japanese). Goo Ranking (May 11, 2016). Retrieved on October 23, 2020.
  5. 男の色気がすごい!ジャンプキャラランキング (Japanese). Goo Ranking (May 25, 2019). Retrieved on October 23, 2020.
  6. ジャンプ史上最も「美しい」男キャラランキング (Japanese). Goo Ranking (January 19, 2020). Retrieved on October 23, 2020.

External links
