Microsoft Edge help & learning

Experience AI-powered browsing with the new Bing built-in

Get comprehensive answers, summarized information, and find inspiration side-by-side in Microsoft Edge. Click “Try now” below to get started with your AI-powered copilot for the web.

Try Copilot in Edge to create and do more


Explore Microsoft Edge

A photo of a woman using a laptop.

Stay safer with SmartScreen

Microsoft Defender SmartScreen helps safeguard your security against phishing and malware sites and software and helps you make informed decisions about downloads.

Learn more about SmartScreen and browse more safely in Edge

photo of a woman writing ideas on paper

Organize your ideas

Collections help you keep track of your ideas on the web - shopping, planning a trip, research, or just want to pick up where you left off.

Use Collections in Edge to sort and share ideas, shopping and more

A person sitting in a chair with a laptop.

Delete your cookies

Microsoft Edge makes it easy to control what browser cookies are stored on your device

Manage, view, and use cookies for faster browsing in Edge

A drawing of a printer connected to a computer..

Print in Microsoft Edge

We know there may be times you need to print something from the web and Microsoft Edge can help.

Print web pages directly from Edge, customize printouts, and more

Screenshot image of welcome guide on a phone, tablet and desktop

Kickstart your Microsoft 365 journey with Welcome Guide

The Welcome Guide for Microsoft 365 is designed specifically for small business employees like you. It walks you through installing and personalizing your apps, as well as securing your account. This guide ensures you have everything you need to start using Microsoft 365 with confidence.

Set up your account and install M365 to build your brand, connect with customers, collaborate securely, and reach your goals