This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

WP Quick Setup


Get your WordPress installation ready by simply pressing one click.

In one click of a button you can do:

  • Change the permalink structure to /%postname%/

  • Deselect the option “Organize my uploads in to month and year based folders”

  • Delete the “Hello Dolly” plugin

  • Activate the Akismet plugin

  • Delete sample post, sample page and sample comment (dummy content)

  • Empty the trash for deleted dummy content: plugin, page, post and comment

  • Delete standard themes, except for the one that is used

  • Select the preferred domain (www or non-www)

  • Select frontpage type (static page or blog posts)

  • Select to show full text or summary of blog posts on post page

  • Select timezone

  • Select date and time format

  • Gives the option to disable user registration

  • Gives the option to disallow search engines to crawl the website

  • Create blank pages and/or categories of your choice

Besides this you also have the option to bulk install and activate popular plugins such as:

  • SEO by Yoast
  • W3 Total Cache
  • WP Smush
  • BJ Lazy Load
  • Broken Link Checker
  • Google Analytics by Yoast
  • Subscribe to Comments reloaded
  • WP-Optimize
  • BackWPup
  • Content form 7
  • Link Juice Keeper
  • Codestyling Localization
  • Yet Another Related Post Plugin (YARPP)
  • Simple Share Button Adder
  • Comments Evolved
  • Pretty Link Lite

Even more than that, you also have the option to install themes and plugins of your choice, only by inputting the URLs of their download destination.

And just like that, you’ve saved several minutes (if not hours) on installing your new WordPress website. Quick and easy. Does it get more simple than that?

For more information, go to screenshots.

If you have any ideas for the plugin and future updates, please leave your feedback and suggestions.


  • The quick install options
  • Front page, post page, read settings and timezone
  • Date and time format & create blank pages and categories
  • Install and activate popular plugins
  • Install plugins and themes from URL


  1. Upload to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Go to the plugin interface through Settings -> Wp Quick Setup
  4. Select and deselect the options you want, and click on the button
  5. Enjoy saving a lot of time when you start up a new WordPress blog!


October 16, 2016
This plugin does what it says it will do, however, upon entering a list of comma separated plugin locations to install that I have on a separate server, it will install about 80% of them. It just seems to miss some of the plugins in my list randomly. All the formatting is consistent throughout the whole list and I’ve checked the spelling etc three times so idk why it’s happening. It also doesn’t give any errors if something doesn’t work right, so I have to manually check it all worked.
September 3, 2016
I’ve been looking for a way to bulk create pages for a while. This does that and so much more. Thanks for building it! In the future an option to create the main menu would be great also 🙂
September 3, 2016
Well this nice little plugin could have saved me 1000’s of hours over the past 10 years. Very nice. Thank you very much. A real timesaver with no learning curve.
Read all 4 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“WP Quick Setup” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Major update with more features, and better design


  • Initial release.